ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 21187 IDF 196 Second edition 2021-02 Milk Quantitative determination of microbiological quality Guidance for establishing and verifying a conversion relationship between results of an alternative method and anchor method results Lait - Mesure quantitative de la qualité microbiologique -Lignes directrices pour établir et verifier une relation de conversion entre les résultats de la méthode alternatif et les resultats de la méthode d'ancrage Reference numbers IS0 21187:2021(E) s IDF 196:2021(E) @ ISO and IDF 2021 IS0 21187:2021(E) IDF 196:2021(E) 1 COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ ISO and IDF 2021 on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or Iso's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office International Dairy Federation CP401· Blandonnet8 Silver Building· Bd Auguste Reyers 70/B CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva B-1030 Brussels Phone: +4122 749 0111 Phone:+32 2 325 67 40 Fax: +32 2 325 67 41 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: Website: Published in Switzerland ii @ ISO and IDF 2021 - All rights reserved

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ISO 21187 2021 Milk — Quantitative determination of microbiological quality — Guidance for establishing and verifying a conversion relationship between results of an alternative method and anchor method results 第 1 页 ISO 21187 2021 Milk — Quantitative determination of microbiological quality — Guidance for establishing and verifying a conversion relationship between results of an alternative method and anchor method results 第 2 页 ISO 21187 2021 Milk — Quantitative determination of microbiological quality — Guidance for establishing and verifying a conversion relationship between results of an alternative method and anchor method results 第 3 页
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