ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 10683 Third edition 2018-08 Fasteners Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coating systems Fixations-Systemes de revetements non électrolytiques dezinc lamellaire Referencenumber IS010683:2018(E) so IS02018 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 09/03/2018 17:09:27 MDT IS010683:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02018 be reproduced or utilized otherwise in anyform or byany means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying,or posting beloworIso'smemberbody inthecountryoftherequester. ISO copyright office CP Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+41227490111 Fax: +4122749 09 47 Published in Switzerland @IS0 2018-All rights reserved Providedby IHS Markit under license with ANS No reproduction or networking permited without license from IHS Not for Resale, 09/03/2018 17:09:27 MDT IS010683:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv 1 Scope ..1 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General characteristics of the coating .2 4.1 Zinc flake coating systems. .2 4.2 Compositionofthesystems. .2 4.3 Mechanicalandphysicalpropertiesandcuring 2 4.4 Avoidance of internal hydrogen embrittlement. .3 4.5 Coating systems and coating processes. 3 5 Corrosion protection and testing .3 5.1 General .3 5.2 Neutral salt spraytest. 3 5.3 Sulfur dioxidetest (Kesternich test) .4 5.4 Bulkhandling,automaticprocessessuchasfeedingand/orsorting,storageand transport. .4 6 Dimensional requirements and testing ..4 6.1 General. .4 6.2 Fasteners with ISO metric thread .4 6.2.1 Coating thickness. .4 6.2.2 Gaugeability andassemblability ..5 6.3 Otherfasteners. ..6 7 Mechanical and physical properties and testing .6 7.1 Appearance 6 7.2 Corrosion resistance related to temperature .6 7.3 Testmethodsforthickness orcoatingweightdetermination 6 7.4 Ductility 7 7.5 Adhesion/cohesion. .8 7.6 Sacrificial cathodicprotection .8 7.7 Torque/clampforcerelationship ..8 7.8 Determinationofhexavalentchromium ..8 8 Applicabilityoftests .8 8.1 General ..8 8.2 Tests mandatoryfor each lot ..8 8.3 Testsforin-processcontrol .9 8.4 Teststobeperformedwhenspecifiedbythepurchaser .9 9 Designation .9 9.1 Designation of zincflakecoatingsystems fortheorder .9 9.2 Designation of zincflakecoating systems forlabelling ..10 10 Ordering requirements ..10 AnnexA(informative)Designaspectsandassemblyofcoatedfasteners ..12 AnnexB(informative)Coatingthickness andthread clearanceforIso metric screwthreads....16 AnnexC (informative)Coatingsystemstested inaccordancewithIso9227,Nss- Evaluation of cabinet corrosivityfor the neutral salt spray test .23 Bibliography ..31 Copyrightintemalionalarightsreserved ili Provided by IHS Markit under license with ANS Not for Resale, 09/03/2018 17:09:27 MDT

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