ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 13851 Secondedition 2019-03 Safety of machinery Two-hand controldevicesPrinciplesfor design and selection Sécuritedesmachines-Dispositifsdecommandebimanuelle Principesdeconception etdechoix Referencenumber IS013851:2019(E) ISO @IS02019 IS013851:2019(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @I IS02019 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet,without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either IsO at the address below orIso'smemberbody in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office CP 401: Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+41227490111 Fax: +41 22749 09 47 Website: Published in Switzerland ii @IS02019-All rights reserved IS013851:2019(E) Contents Page Foreword .. Introduction. ... i.. 1 Scope.. 2 Normative references ..1 3 Terms and definitions ..1 4 THCDselectionandTHCDtypes .3 4.1 Selection ..3 4.2 Types of THCD .4 5 Requirements forthedesign of two-hand control devices. .4 5.1 General .4 5.2 Useofbothhands(simultaneousactuation) .4 5.3 Relationshipbetweenactuationbyhandandoutputsignal(s) .4 5.4 Cessation of the output signal .5 5.5 Prevention of accidental operation .5 5.6 .5 Preventionofdefeat. 5.7 Re-initiation of the output signal .5 5.8 Synchronous actuation .5 6 Twohand control safety functions ..6 6.1 Prevention ofunexpected start-up .6 6.2 Releasing of actuators. 6.3 Synchronous actuation .6 7 Prevention ofaccidental actuation and ofdefeat .6 7.1 Commonconsiderations .6 7.2 Prevention of defeat using onehand .7 7.3 Prevention of defeatusingthehand and elbow of thesamearm .7 7.4 Prevention ofdefeatusingtheforearm(s) orelbow(s) 7 7.5 Prevention of defeat using one hand and any other part of the body .7 7.6 Measures to prevent blocking of control actuating device(s) .8 7.7 Accidentalactuation. .8 8 General requirements .8 8.1 Ergonomicrequirements .8 8.2 Operatingconditions and environmental influences .8 8.3 Enclosures. .9 8.4 Selection, design and installation of control actuating devices 9 8.5 Prevention ofunintended outputsignalsbyaccelerationforces 9 8.6 Unintendedoperation of hand-held machines.. .9 8.7 RelocatableTHCDs. .10 8.8 Safetydistance. .10 9 Verification and validation .11 9.1 General requirements forverificationand validation 11 9.2 Visual inspection ..12 9.3 Performancetest. ..12 9.4 Measurement ..12 9.5 Prevention of defeat .12 10 Marking ..12 11 Informationfor installation,useand maintenance .13 11.1 Informationforuse ..13 11.2 Installation instructions. .13 11.3 Operatinginstructions. ..14 11.4 Maintenanceinstructions .14 @IS02019-All rights reserved ili

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ISO 13851 2019 Safety of machinery — Two-hand control devices — Principles for design and selection 第 1 页 ISO 13851 2019 Safety of machinery — Two-hand control devices — Principles for design and selection 第 2 页 ISO 13851 2019 Safety of machinery — Two-hand control devices — Principles for design and selection 第 3 页
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