ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 14067 First edition 2018-08 Greenhouse gases Carbon footprint of products Requirements and guidelines for quantification Gaz a effet de serre - Empreinte carbone des produits - Exigences et lignes directrices pour la quantification Accessed by UNSW - LIBRARY on 29 Dec 2018 (Document currency not guaranteed when printed) Reference number IS0 14067:2018(E) Tso @IS02018 IS0 14067:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @I IS02018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either IsO at the address below or Iso's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office CP 401 : Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone: +41 22 749 01 11 Fax: +41 22 749 09 47 Email: Website: Published in Switzerland i @ IS0 2018 - All rights reserved IS0 14067:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction.. 1 Scope. 2 Normative references. 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms 3.1 Terms and definitions. ..1 3.1.1 Quantification of the carbon footprint of a product 3.1.2 Greenhouse gases. .4 3.1.3 Products, product systems and processes ..5 3.1.4 Life cycle assessment. .7 3.1.5 Organizations ..8 3.1.6 Data and data quality. ..9 3.1.7 Biogenic material and land use .10 3.2 Abbreviated terms... ..11 4 Application ..11 5 Principles. .11 5.1 General ..11 5.2 Life cycle perspective ..11 5.3 Relative approach and functional or declared unit .12 5.4 Iterative approach. 5.5 Priority of scientific approach ..12 5.6 Relevance. ..12 5.7 Completeness. .12 5.8 Consistency .12 5.9 Coherence. ..12 5.10 Accuracy.. ..12 5.11 Transparency 5.12 Avoidance of double-counting 13 6 Methodology for quantification of the CFP and partial CFP ..13 6.1 General .13 6.2 Use of CFP-PCR. .13 6.3 Goal and scope definition .14 6.3.1 Goal of a CFP study. ..14 6.3.2 Scope of a CFP study 6.3.3 Functional or declared unit .15 6.3.4 Systemboundary 6.3.5 Data and data quality. .16 6.3.6 Time boundary for data ..17 6.3.7 Use stage and use profile ..18 6.3.8 End-of-life stage. .18 6.4 Life cycle inventory analysis for the CFP ..19 6.4.1 General 19 6.4.2 Data collection 20 6.4.3 Validation of data.. .20 6.4.4 Relating data to unit process and functional or declared unit 20 6.4.5 Refining the system boundary .20 6.4.6 Allocation 21 6.4.7 CFP performance tracking. .22 6.4.8 Assessing the effect of the timing of GHG emissions and removals .23 6.4.9 Treatment of specific GHG emissions and removals 23 6.5 Impact assessment for CFP or partial CFP .29 6.5.1 General. 29 @ IS0 2018 - All rights reserved ii
ISO 14067 2018 Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requi
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