ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 15686-5 Second edition 2017-07 Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life-cycle costing Batiments etbiens immobiliers construits-Prevision dela duree devie- Partie 5: Approche en cout global Reference number ISO 15686-5:2017(E) Intemational Organization for Standardization @IS02017 =ZHEJIANG INSTOF STANDARDIZATION C15956617 ted without license from IHS IS015686-5:2017(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02017,Published inSwitzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8. CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +4122 749 09 47 Intemationaibr PrganizationforStandardization Uicensee-ZHEJIANG INST OF STANDARDIZoISQ 3q,7 -All rights reserved networking permited without license from IHS IS0 15686-5:2017(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction... 1 Scope.. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 3.1 Costs. .1 3.2 Analysis/measures 3.3 Elementsofcalculation. .4 3.4 Otherterms ..5 4 Principles of life-cycle costing ..6 4.1 Purpose and scope of life-cycle costing ..6 4.2 Costs to include in LCC analysis .6 4.2.1 Defining scope of costs included in the analysis ..6 4.2.2 Classification of costs. < 4.3 Typical analysis at different stages of the life cycle .9 4.4 Analysis based on client requirements and the intended use ofthe results .10 4.4.1 Scopebasedonclientreguirements ..10 4.4.2 DecisionsinformedbyLCCanalysis ..11 4.4.3 StrategiclevelprojectplanningEvaluationofstrategicalternatives ..12 4.4.4 System and detailed decision level-Integrating life-cycle costing into design appraisals ..13 4.4.5 Service life planningLCC plans. ..14 4.4.6 Major repairs, replacements and adaptations ..14 4.4.7 Endoflife ..15 4.5 Data for analysis at different stages of theproject life cycle .15 4.5.1 General ..15 4.5.2 Benchmark LCC analysis .15 4.5.3 Detailed LCC analysis. ..15 4.6 Cost variables. .16 4.7 Calculating cost variables and the form of future costs analysis .16 4.8 Discountingcoststopresentvalues .17 4.9 Approval and validation. ..17 4.10 ReportingLCCanalysis ..17 5 Setting the scope for LcC analysis. .17 5.1 Relevance and importance ofsettingparametersfor the use of life-cycle costing ..17 5.2 Servicelife,lifecycleanddesignlife ..18 5.3 Period of analysis .18 5.4 Costvariables .19 5.4.1 Acquisition costs .19 5.4.2 Operation,maintenance and replacement costs .19 5.4.3 Costsatdisposal. .21 5.4.4 End-of-liferesidual valuations. 21 5.4.5 Discountrate .22 5.4.6 Inflation 22 5.4.7 Taxes and subsidies. .22 5.4.8 Changesincostsovertime 23 5.4.9 Energy and utilities costs 23 6 WLC variables used in some investment appraisals 23 6.1 General 23 6.2 Externalities 23 6.3 Costsrelatedtoenvironmental impacts .24 6.4 Social costs and benefits. .24 iii Licensee=ZHEJIANG INST OF STANDARDIZATION C1 5956617 ithout license from IHS Not for Resale, 2017/9/27 05:57:48 No reproduction or networking perr
ISO 15686-5 2017 Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 5 Life-cycle costing
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