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ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 18229 Firstedition 2018-02 Essential technical requirements for mechanical components and metallic structures foreseen for Generation IV nuclear reactors Exigences techniquesessentielles pourles composants mecaniques et les structures metalliquesprevus pour les reacteurs nucleairesde la quatriemegénération Referencenumber ISO18229:2018(E) ISO Copyright Ir IS02018 IS018229:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02018 be reproduced or utilized otherwise in anyform or byany means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either IO at the address beloworIso'smemberbodyinthecountryoftherequester. ISO copyright office CP Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel.+4122749 0111 Fax +412274909 47 [email protected] Published in Switzerland Copyightihbmatinal OrganizalionforsStandardization @IS0 2018 -All rights reserved IS018229:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction ..i. 1 Scope. 2 Normative references .... 3 Terms and definitions 4 Units of measurements. 5 Management system ..4 6 Technical requirements .4 6.1 General ..4 6.2 Materials 4 6.2.1 General. .4 6.2.2 Specification ofmaterials .5 6.2.3 Material conformity declaration 7 6.3 Design 7 6.3.1 General. .7 6.3.2 Damages. 6.3.3 Considerationsforoperatingconditionsandloadcombinations 8 6.3.4 Criterialevels .9 6.3.5 Corrosion,erosion,erosion-corrosion,wear .11 6.3.6 Attachments ..11 6.3.7 Suddenvariation inthemechanical propertiesat junctions. .11 6.3.8 Nuclearcleanlinessrequirements ..11 6.3.9 Thermal ageing.. ..12 6.3.10 Irradiation ..12 6.3.11 Design methods 6.4 Fabrication. ..13 6.4.1 General 6.4.2 Identificationofmaterials/parts ..14 6.4.3 Preparation of parts. ..14 6.4.4 Welding. ..14 6.4.5 Forminganddimensiontolerances ..16 6.4.6 Cleaning ..17 6.4.7 Heat treatment. .17 6.5 Tests and examination methods ..17 6.5.1 General. ..17 6.5.2 Methods ..17 6.5.3 Procedures ..17 6.5.4 Personnel qualification ..18 6.6 Final inspection and testing. ..18 6.6.1 Final inspection 6.6.2 Final pressure test ..18 6.7 Marking/labelling. ..18 7 Documentation ..19 8 Conformityassessment ..19 AnnexA(informative)DescriptionofGENIVreactors ..20 AnnexB(informative)Illustrationof material selectionfor sodiumfastreactor (SFR)components .21 AnnexC (informative)Descriptionoftypesofdamage ..22 AnnexD(informative)Documentation .25 Copyrightintemational oiraizAl rights reserved ili

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ISO 18229 2018 Essential technical requirements for mechanical components and metallic structures foreseen for Generation IV nuclear reactors 第 1 页 ISO 18229 2018 Essential technical requirements for mechanical components and metallic structures foreseen for Generation IV nuclear reactors 第 2 页 ISO 18229 2018 Essential technical requirements for mechanical components and metallic structures foreseen for Generation IV nuclear reactors 第 3 页
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