ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 18400-203 First edition 2018-10 Soil quality Sampling Part 203: Investigation of potentially contaminated sites Qualitédusol-Echantillonnage- Partie 203:Investigationdes sitespotentiellement contamines Referencenumber IS018400-203:2018(E) @ IS0 2018 IS0 18400-203:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ISO2018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either IsO at the address below orIso's memberbody in the countryof therequester. ISO copyright office CP 401 : Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+41227490111 Fax:+41 22 749 09 47 Email: Website: Published in Switzerland ii @ IS0 2018 - All rights reserved IS0 18400-203:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction.. 1 Scope.. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Objectives ..2 4.1 General .2 4.2 Definitions ofobjectives .2 5 General strategy of site investigation .3 5.1 General .3 5.2 Scope of preliminary investigation ..6 5.3 Scope of exploratory investigation .6 5.4 Scope of detailed site investigation .7 Preliminary investigation 1 6 6.1 General. .7 6.2 Development of the conceptual site model 6.2.1 Overall conceptual sitemodel 8 6.2.2 Formulation of contamination-related hypotheses. ..8 6.3 Reporting the preliminary investigation and the conceptual site model ..8 7 Design ofintrusive investigations ..8 7.1 Overview .8 7.2 General aspects of field work .9 7.3 Overall design aspects 9 7.3.1 General ..9 7.3.2 Design of site works. ..10 7.4 Sampling patterns and spacing for sampling soils ..11 7.4.1 General. .11 7.4.2 Judgemental sampling .12 7.4.3 Systematic sampling. ..12 7.4.4 Detectionofhotspots .13 7.4.5 Depth of sampling and the strata to be sampled ..13 7.4.6 Samplesizes .13 7.4.7 Sampletypes .13 7.4.8 Number of samples. .13 7.5 Analytical and testing strategies ..13 7.5.1 General. ..13 7.5.2 Analysis of soil samples .14 7.6 Quality assurance and quality control .15 8 Exploratory investigation. .15 8.1 General .15 8.1.1 Basisoftheexploratoryinvestigation ..15 8.1.2 Steps to be incorporated .15 8.1.3 Aspects tobeconsidered when drawingup a strategy ..15 8.2 Sampling strategy .16 8.2.1 General ..16 8.2.2 Sampling locations ..16 8.2.3 Depth of sampling. ..17 8.2.4 Selection ofsoil samplesforanalysis ..17 8.2.5 Selecting parameters for testing and analysis .17 8.3 Evaluationoftheexploratoryinvestigation. .18 8.3.1 Testing the hypotheses formulated during the preliminary investigation ..18 IS0 2018 - All rights reserved iii

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ISO 18400-203 2018 Soil quality — Sampling — Part 20   Investigation of potentially contaminated sites 第 1 页 ISO 18400-203 2018 Soil quality — Sampling — Part 20   Investigation of potentially contaminated sites 第 2 页 ISO 18400-203 2018 Soil quality — Sampling — Part 20   Investigation of potentially contaminated sites 第 3 页
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