ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 18582-2 First edition 2018-11 Fluid power Specification of reference dictionary - Part 2: Definitions of classes and properties of pneumatics Transmissions hydrauliques et pneumatiques - Spécification d'un dictionnairedereférence Partie 2: Definitions des classes et proprietés relatives aux transmissionspneumatiques Reference number ISO 18582-2:2018(E) @ IS0 2018 IS0 18582-2:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ IS0 2018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either IsO at the address below or Iso's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office CP 401 : Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone: +4122 749 0111 Fax: +41 22 749 09 47 Email:
[email protected] Website: Published in Switzerland ii @ IS0 2018 - All rights reserved IS0 18582-2:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword Introduction.. 1 Scope.. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions ..1 4 General principles .1 5 Definition class: fluid systems and components for general use, 18582#KAA001-001-0012 6 Properties .2 6.1 18582#KAA002-001-001: initial value of pressure measuring range .2 6.2 18582#KAA003-001-001: shifting-0n time. ..4 6.3 18582#KAA004-001-001: condensate drain connection ..5 6.4 18582#KAA005-001-001: number of pneumatic connections ..11 6.5 18582#KAA006-001-001: number of pneumatic output connections. ..12 6.6 18582#KAA007-001-001: number of pneumatic input connections. ..13 6.7 18582#KAA008-001-001:number of pneumatic exhaust connections .14 6.8 18582#KAA009-001-001: number of pneumatic pilot ports. .15 6.9 18582#KAA010-001-001: type of cushioning ..16 6.10 18582#KAA011-001-001: type of stroke reduction. ..17 6.11 18582#KAA012-001-001: type of pneumatic connections. ..18 6.12 18582#KAA013-001-001:type of shaft end. .19 6.13 18582#KAA014-001-001: shifting-off time 20 6.14 18582#KAA015-001-001: size. 21 6.15 18582#KAA016-001-001: actuation type. 22 6.16 18582#KAA017-001-001: 0perating pressure for max. vacuum .24 6.17 18582#KAA018-001-001: m0ving mass. .25 6.18 18582#KAA019-001-001: moving mass with 0 mm stroke .26 6.19 18582#KAA020-001-001: moving mass per 10 mm stroke. .27 6.20 18582#KAA021-001-001: critical back-pressure ratio .28 6.21 18582#KAA022-001-001: sonic conductance C .29 6.22 18582#KAA023-001-001: cushioning length 30 6.23 18582#KAA024-001-001: cushioning angle 31 6.24 18582#KAA025-001-001: continuous load factor 32 6.25 18582#KAA026-001-001: sealing principle 33 6.26 18582#KAA027-001-001: seal on threaded plug. .34 6.27 18582#KAA028-001-001: torque at 6 bar. .35 6.28 18582#KAA029-001-001:compressed air guality class at 0utlet. ..36 6.29 18582#KAA030-001-001: compressed air quality class at inlet. .37 6.30 18582#KAA031-001-001:pressure medium ..39 6.31 18582#KAA032-001-001: suitability for both directions of flow. .40 6.32 18582#KAA033-001-001: final value of pressure measuring range .41 6.33 18582#KAA034-001-001: grade of filtration ..42 6.34 18582#KAA035-001-001: filter efficiency ..43 6.35 18582#KAA036-001-001: function in normal position ..44 6.36 18582#KAA037-001-001: mode of operation of drive .45 6.37 18582#KAA038-001-001: noise reduction ..47 6.38 18582#KAA039-001-001: graphic symbol. ..48 6.39 18582#KAA040-001-001: number of gripper fingers. ..49 6.40 18582#KAA041-001-001: gripping force with external gripping .50 6.41 18582#KAA042-001-001: gripping force with internal gripping 51 6.42 18582#KAA043-001-001: gripping torque with external gripping. 52 6.43 18582#KAA044-001-001: gripping torque with internal gripping. .53 6.44 18582#KAA045-001-001: manual override. @ IS0 2018 - All rights reserved iii
ISO 18582-2 2018 Fluid power — Specification of reference dictionary — Part 2 Definitions of classes and properties of pneumatics
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