ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 18796-1 Firstedition 2018-10 Petroleum, petrochemicals and natural gas industries Internal coating and lining of carbon steel process vessels- Part 1: Technicalrequirements Industries dupetrole,delapetrochimieetdugaz naturel- Revetementdeprotection interne et doubluredesrecipients de production en acieraucarbone- Partie1:Exigences techniques Referencenumber ISO18796-1:2018(E) OrganizationforStandardizatior s and Technology 9972181 ISO2018 dards Bodies No reproduction or networking permited without liconse from IH: IS018796-1:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword .. Introduction. 1 Scope... 2 Normativereferences .. 3 Terms, definitions andabbreviated terms. .3 3.1 Terms and definitions .3 3.2 Abbreviated terms.... 4 Conformance .5 4.1 Rounding. .5 4.2 Conformancetothisdocument 5 Pre-work requirements .6 5.1 General .6 5.2 Safetyprecautions inflammableatmosphere 5.3 Safetyprecautionsinconfinedspace .6 5.4 Safetyprecautionsforblastingandcoatingworks 5.5 Isolation andventilation 7 5.6 Qualificationofcoating/liningapplication and inspectionpersonnel 7 6 Coating/lining materials 6.1 General .7 6.2 Approvals .7 6.3 Procedure qualification trial (PQT) .8 6.4 Pre-production trial (PPT). .8 6.5 Thickness classifications of coatings 9 6.6 Holding (blast) primer 9 6.7 Coating and lining systems 6.8 Material approvals-Coating and lining systems .10 7 Surfacepreparation .11 7.1 General ..11 7.2 Preparations .11 7.3 Patching,grinding,degreasing and washing (for newand rehabilitation works) 7.4 Dry abrasiveblasting cleaning ..12 7.5 Humidity control. ..13 7.6 After blast cleaning. ..14 8 Coating/lining application .14 8.1 Generalrequirements ..14 8.2 Application ofenvironmental conditions ..15 8.3 Primerapplication. ..15 8.4 Coating/lining thickness ..15 9 Coating/liningapplication ..16 10 Inspection and testing .16 10.1 Generalreguirements .16 10.2 Environmental conditionstesting .17 10.3 Materialsand equipment inspection .17 10.4 Compressed airandabrasive. ..17 10.5 Surfacepreparationinspection .17 10.6 Coating/lining inspection and testing 10.6.1 General. ..18 10.6.2 Lining film thickness .18 10.6.3 Holidaydetectiontest .18 10.6.4 Curing test. ..18 ili =Shenzhen Instituteof Standards and Technology9972181 Provided by IHS Markit underlicense with various National Standards Bodies Not forResale,2019/3/803:12:41 IS018796-1:2018(E) 10.7 Adhesion test. 19 11 Qualityrequirements 19 12 Documentation 19 12.1 General... 19 12.2Workproposal 20 12.3 Workrecords/reports 20 12.4 Inspectionandtestingreporting 20 12.5 Final report 20 AnnexA(informative)Exampleofcoating/liningworkrecord/datasheet .21 AnnexB (informative)Example of coating/lining inspection andtestingdata sheet .22 Bibliography 23 anizationforStandardizatior o-Shenzhen Iinstute of Standards andd2All rights reserved Providedby IHS Markitunder license with various National Standards Bodies n or networking permitted without license from IHS
ISO 18796-1 2018 Petroleum, petrochemicals and natural gas industries — Internal coating and lining of carbon steel process vessels — Part 1 Technical requirements
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