ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 19323 First edition 2018-09 Timber structures Joist hangers : Test methods Structures en bois-Etriers a solive -Méthodes d'essai Reference number ISO 19323:2018(E) os1 Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology 9972181 @IS02018 ards Bodies Not for Resale, 2018/12/6 02:29:5 IS0 19323:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @IS02018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting below or Iso's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office CP401·Ch.deBlandonnet8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+4122 749 0111 Fax: +41 22 749 09 47 Email: Website: Published in Switzerland ganizationfor Standardization icensee-Shenzhen Institute of Standards andecISogf1&- All rights reserved rious National Standards Bodies IS0 19323:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv Introduction. ... 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols. ..2 5 Materials .2 5.1 Timber. .2 5.2 Concrete or masonry .3 5.3 Fasteners .3 5.4 Joist hangers .3 6 Sampling. 7 Test apparatus. ..4 7.1 Testing machine .4 7.2 Displacement transducers 8 Tests ..4 8.1 General. .4 8.2 Vertical load test. 8.2.1 Test setup 4 8.2.2 Test procedure .7 8.2.3 Test report. .8 8.3 Tension load test. .8 8.3.1 Test setup. ..8 8.3.2 Test procedure. .9 8.3.3 Test report. .9 8.4 Torsional load test. 11 8.4.1 Test setup .11 8.4.2 Test procedure .13 8.4.3 Calculation of torsional moment and rotation .13 8.4.4 Test report. .14 8.5 Cyclic vertical load test 15 8.5.1 Test setup. .15 8.5.2 Test procedure ..15 8.5.3 Test report. .15 Bibliography .17 iii Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology 9972181 Tanoutlicensena Not for Resale, 2018/12/6 02:29:5
ISO 19323 2018 Timber structures — Joist hangers — Test methods
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