ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 21886 First edition 2019-04 Space systems Configuration management Systemes spatiaux - Management de la configuration Reference number IS0 21886:2019(E) @ IS0 2019 <39°WVE"4246 IS0 21886:2019(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTEDDOCUMENT @IS02019 be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting below or Iso's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office CP 40i : Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone: +41 22 749 01 11 Fax: +41 22 749 09 47 Email: Website: Published in Switzerland ii IS02019-Allrightsreserved E*eqr[tkijvgf"d["WPG.'E1"1gpqxc."8I"4:226"Ocftkf.'Urckp*cm'tkijvu'tgugtxgf+*"Ygf"Hgd’36*32<3:<39"WVE"4246 tartnfwekani'cavintiInfl IS0 21886:2019(E) Contents Page Foreword .V Introduction. 1 Scope. 2 Normative references ..1 3 Terms and definitions ..1 4 General ..2 5 Configuration management planning .3 5.1 .3 General 5.2 Configuration management plan. .3 5.3 Configuration management interfaces ..4 Configuration identification 6 6.1 General. .4 6.2 Main activities of configuration identification ..4 6.3 Producttree 4 6.4 Configuration item. 6.5 Selection of configuration items .5 6.6 Configuration documents list. ..5 6.7 Identification marking. .6 6.8 Configuration document .7 6.9 Configuration baseline .9 6.10 Configuration change documentation 9 6.11 Publication and maintenance of the configuration documentation ..9 7 Configuration control ..10 7.1 General .10 7.2 Configuration control requirements .10 7.3 Change. .10 7.3.1 Change classification .10 7.3.2 Change procedure. ..11 7.4 Deviation/waiver. .12 7.4.1 Deviation/waiver requirements. ..12 7.4.2 Deviation/waiver classification .13 7.4.3 Deviation/waiver application. .13 7.4.4 Deviation and waiver control procedure .14 7.5 Interface control ..15 8 Configuration status accounting. ..16 8.1 General ..16 8.2 Configuration status accounting requirements ..16 8.3 Configuration status accounting process .16 9 Configuration verification ..18 9.1 General. ..18 9.2 Verification of the product configuration definition .18 9.3 Verification of the product configuration. 18 10 Configuration audit .18 10.1 General ..18 10.2 Configuration audit requirements ..19 10.3 Configuration audit team ..19 10.4 Responsibilities of the supplier and the customer ..19 10.5 Meeting minutes. 20 10.6 Functional configuration audit. 20 10.7 Physical configuration audit... .21 iii 'ravintiInfi
ISO 21886 2019 Space systems — Configuration management
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