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ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 21930 Second edition 2017-07 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works Core rules for environmental product declarations of construction products and services Developpement durable dans les batiments et les ouvrages de genie civil Regles principales pour les déclarations environnementales desproduitsdeconstructionetdesservices Reference number IS0 21930:2017(E) [so International Organization for Standardization @ IS0 2017 Not for Resale, 2017/9/27 06:04:31 ed without license from IHS IS0 21930:2017(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS0 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyrightoffice Ch. de Blandonnet 8 . CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +4122 749 09 47 [email protected] prganizationfor Standardization icensee-ZHEJIANG INSTOF STANDARDIZAoISQ07 -All rights reserved Not for Resale, 2017/9/27 06:04:31 etworking permitted without license from IHS IS0 21930:2017(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction. ..vii 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Abbreviated terms .15 5 General aspects. ..16 5.1 Objectives of this core PCR .16 5.2 Life cycle stages and their information modules and module D ..17 5.2.1 General ..17 5.2.2 Types of EPD with respect to life cycle stages covered. ..19 5.2.3 Use of scenarios for assessment of information modules beyond the productionstage ..20 5.3 Average EPDs for groups of similar products .21 5.4 Use of EPDs for construction products .22 5.5 Comparability of EPDs for construction products ..22 5.6 Documentation .23 6 PCR development and use. .24 6.1 Core PCR structure. 24 6.2 Relation between core PCR and sub-category PCR .25 6.3 Development of sub-category PCR 26 7 PCR for LCA 26 7.1 Methodological framework 26 7.1.1 Overarching principles for LCA modelling and calculation 26 7.1.2 Functional unit. .26 7.1.3 Declared unit .27 7.1.4 Requirements for the use of RSL .28 7.1.5 Systemboundarywithnature .28 7.1.6 System boundary between products systems .28 7.1.7 System boundaries and technical information for scenarios .33 7.1.8 Criteria for the inclusion and exclusion of inputs and outputs .42 7.1.9 Selection of data and data quality requirements. ..43 7.1.10 Units. .44 7.2 Inventory analysis .44 7.2.1 Data collection ..44 7.2.2 Calculation procedures. .44 7.2.3 Allocation situations. ..44 7.2.4 Principles for allocation for both allocation situations .44 7.2.5 Allocation for co-products.. ..45 7.2.6 Allocation between product systems (across the system boundary) .47 7.2.7 Accounting of biogenic carbon uptake and emissions during the life cycle .47 7.2.8 Carbonation 48 7.2.9 Accounting of delayed emissions. .49 7.2.10 Inventory indicators describing resource use .49 7.2.11 Greenhouse gas emissions from land-use change 50 7.2.12 Additional inventory indicators describing emissions and removals of carbon ..50 7.2.13 Inventory indicator describing consumption of freshwater. 51 7.2.14 Environmental information describing waste categories and output flows 51 7.3 Impact assessment indicators describing main environmental impacts derived from LCA .53 8 Additional environmental information .54 iii ISee=ZHEJIANG INST OF STANDARDIZATION C1 5956617 ed without license from IHS Not for Resale, 2017/9/27 06:04:31

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ISO 21930 2017 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Core rules for environmental product declarations of construction products and services 第 1 页 ISO 21930 2017 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Core rules for environmental product declarations of construction products and services 第 2 页 ISO 21930 2017 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Core rules for environmental product declarations of construction products and services 第 3 页
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