ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 6469-1 Third edition 2019-04 Electrically propelled road vehicles - Safety specifications - Part 1: Rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) Vehicules routiers électriques - Specifications de securite - Partie 1: Systeme de stockage d'énergie rechargeable (RESS) Referencenumber ISO6469-1:2019(E) iso @IS0 2019 IS06469-1:2019(E) Contents Page Foreword .V 1 Scope 2 Normativereferences. .1 3 Terms and definitions. .1 4 General requirements. 4 4.1 Generalelectrical requirements .4 4.2 Generalsafetyrequirements 5 5 Technical requirements .5 5.1 Mechanicalrequirements .5 5.2 Climaticrequirements. 5 5.2.1 Thermal shock cycling 5 5.3 Simulatedvehicleaccidentrequirements .5 5.3.1 Vehicle crash. 5 5.3.2 Immersion intowater 6 5.3.3 Exposuretofire 6 5.4 Electrical requirements. .7 5.4.1 Isolationresistance 7 5.4.2 Clearance and creepage distance. 7 5.4.3 Short-circuit protection 8 5.5 Functional requirements. 8 5.5.1 General.. 8 5.5.2 Overcharge protection 8 5.5.3 Overdischarge protection. 8 5.5.4 Protectionagainstinternal overheating 8 5.6 Requirements for the emission of hazardous gases and other hazardous substances 9 6 Test procedures 9 6.1 General test conditions 9 6.1.1 Test types and post-test observation .9 6.1.2 Test parameters. 9 6.1.3 DUT requirements and preparation of the DUT for testing 10 6.1.4 Preconditioning of the DUT 10 6.1.5 Standard cycle (SC) 11 6.1.6 Testingofgeneral safetyrequirements 11 6.2 Mechanical test. 12 6.2.1 General.. .12 6.2.2 Vibration 12 6.2.3 Mechanical shock 14 6.3 Climatictest. 15 6.3.1 Thermal shock cycling 15 6.4 Simulated vehicle accidenttests 15 6.4.1 Vehicle crash. 15 6.4.2 Immersion into water. 18 6.4.3 Exposure to fire. 19 6.5 Electricaltest 20 6.5.1 Short circuit 20 6.6 Functional tests... 21 6.6.1 General procedures 21 6.6.2 Overchargeprotection 21 6.6.3 Overdischargeprotection 21 6.6.4 Protection against internal overheating 22 Annex A (informative) Damage calculation. 23 AnnexB (informative)Example oftheOEM specifictest .24 IS0 2019-All rights reserved ili IS0 6469-1:2019(E) AnnexC (informative)Description ofthe screen .25 Bibliography .26 iv @IS0 2019-All rights reserved

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ISO 6469-1 2019 Electrically propelled road vehicles — Safety specifications — Part 1 Rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) 第 1 页 ISO 6469-1 2019 Electrically propelled road vehicles — Safety specifications — Part 1 Rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) 第 2 页 ISO 6469-1 2019 Electrically propelled road vehicles — Safety specifications — Part 1 Rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) 第 3 页
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