ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 877-3 Secondedition 2018-04 PlasticsMethodsofexposureto solar radiation - Part 3: Intensified weathering using concentratedsolarradiation Plastiques-Methodesd'expositionaurayonnementsolaire- Partie3:Expositionintensifieeparrayonnementsolaireconcentre Referencenumber ISO877-3:2018(E) so IS02018 Copyrig IS0877-3:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may bereproduced orutilized otherwise in anyformorby anymeans,electronicormechanical,including photocopying,or posting beloworIso'smemberbodyinthecountryoftherequester. ISO copyrightoffice CP Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+41227490111 Fax:+41227490947 Published in Switzerland CopyighmaionalOganzaionforStandardizati IS0 2018-All rights reserved IS0877-3:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv Introduction. ..V 1 Scope. ..1 2 Normativereferences ..1 3 Terms and definitions .1 4 Principle. ..1 5 Apparatus. .2 6 Test specimens. .3 7 Exposureconditions .3 7.1 Orientation of mirrors .3 7.2 Exposure site. 4 7.3 Temperaturecontrol .4 7.4 Irradiance level. .5 8 Exposurestages .6 8.1 General .6 8.2 Solar radiant exposure 6 8.2.1 Guidanceforselectionofthe exposure stage .6 8.2.2 Instrumental measurementofsolarradiantexposure .6 9 Procedure. .7 9.1 Mountingoftestspecimens 7 9.2 Mountingofreferencematerials (ifused) 7 9.3 Climaticobservations 7 9.4 Exposureof testspecimens. 7 9.4.1 General. 7 9.4.2 Exposurecycles 7 9.4.3 Testing underglass 7 10 Expressionofresults. .8 10.1 Determination of changes in properties 8 10.2 Climatic conditions and observations. 8 10.2.1 General. 8 10.2.2 Temperature 8 10.2.3 Relativehumidity 8 10.2.4 Levels (values)ofexposurestages 8 10.2.5 Precipitation 9 10.2.6 Time of wetness. 9 10.2.7 Other observations 9 11 Testreport .9 Bibliography .10 CopyightIntemaltionalorgallrightsreserved ili

.pdf文档 ISO 877-3 2018 Plastics — Methods of exposure to solar radiation — Part 3 Intensified weathering using concentrated solar radiation

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ISO 877-3 2018 Plastics — Methods of exposure to solar radiation — Part 3  Intensified weathering using concentrated solar radiation 第 1 页 ISO 877-3 2018 Plastics — Methods of exposure to solar radiation — Part 3  Intensified weathering using concentrated solar radiation 第 2 页 ISO 877-3 2018 Plastics — Methods of exposure to solar radiation — Part 3  Intensified weathering using concentrated solar radiation 第 3 页
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