ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 9328-2 Fourth edition 2018-02 Steelflatproductsforpressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions- Part 2: Non-alloyandalloy steelswith specified elevated temperature properties Produits plats en acierpourservice sous pression-Conditions techniquesdelivraison Partie 2:Aciers non allies et aciers allies avec caracteristiques specifieesatempératureelevee Reference number IS09328-2:2018(E) ISO @IS0 2018 IS09328-2:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO2018 All rightsreserved.Unless otherwise specified,or required in the contextofits implenentation,no partofthis publication may bereproduced orutilizedotherwise inanyform orbyanymeans,electronic ormechanical, includingphotocopying,orposting beloworiso'smemberbodyinthecountryoftherequester: Iso copyrightoffice CP 401: Blandonnet 8 CH-1214Vermier,Geneva,Switzerland Tel.+41227490111 Fax+41227490947 Published in Switzerland ii @Iso2018-Allrightsreserved IS09328-2:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv 1 Scope .1 2 Normativereferences 3 Terms and definitions ..1. 4 Classification and designation ..1 4.1 Classification. .1 4.2 Designation .2 5 Informationtobesuppliedbythepurchaser .2 5.1 Mandatory information. .2 5.2 Options. .2 5.3 Example for ordering. .3 6 Requirements .3 6.1 Steelmaking process. .3 6.2 Delivery condition 3 6.3 Chemical composition 4 6.4 Mechanical properties 5 6.5 Surface condition. .5 6.6 Internal soundness .5 6.7 Weldability .5 6.8 Dimensionsandtolerancesondimensions .6 6.9 Calculation of mass. 6 6.10 Resistancetohydrogen-induced cracking .6 6.11 Embrittlementof CrMosteels. ( .6 7 Inspection .6 7.1 Types of inspectionand inspectiondocuments 6 7.2 Tests to be carried out .6 7.3 Retests, sorting andreprocessing .6 8 Sampling. .6 9 Test methods .6 10 Marking 7 AnnexA (normative)Chemicalcompositionand mechanicalproperties ofproductsbased onEuropeanstandards. ..8 AnnexB (normative)Chemical compositionand mechanical properties ofproductsbased onASTM/ASME or JIS standards... .17 AnnexC (informative) Steel designations in accordance with this documentand designationofcomparable steelgrades in national orregional standards ..22 AnnexD(informative)Guidelinesforheattreatment ..24 Annex E (informative) Critical time-temperature parameter Pcrit,and possible combinations ofstress relievingtemperatureandholdingtime .26 AnnexF(informative)Referencedatarelatingtostrengthfor1%(plastic)creepstrainand creeprupture .27 AnnexG (informative)Evaluationofresistancetohydrogen-inducedcracking " AnnexH (informative)Stepcoolingtest ..34 Bibliography .35 IS0 2018 -All rights reserved iii
ISO 9328-2 2018 Steel flat products for pressure purposes — Technical delivery conditions — Part 2 Non-alloy and alloy steels with specified elevated temperature properties
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