INTERNATIONAL ISO/IEC STANDARD 22425 First edition 2017-11 Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems NFC-SEC Test Methods Technologies de I'information - Telécommunications et échange d'informations entre systemes - Méthodes d'essai NFC-SEC Reference number IEC ISO/IEC 22425:2017(E) ISO @IS0/IEC2017 IS0/IEC 22425:2017(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction .vi 1 Scope. .1 2 Conformance .1 3 Normative references ..1 4 Terms and definitions .2 5 Conventions and notations .2 6 Acronyms. .2 7 NFC-SEC-TEST apparatus .3 7.1 General .3 7.2 Apparatus for testing the Sender 4 7.3 Apparatus for testing the Recipient .4 7.4 NFC-SEC-01 emulation. .4 7.5 NFC-SEC-02 emulation. 4 7.6 NFC-SEC-03 emulation. .4 7.7 NFC-SEC-04 emulation. .5 8 Test rules .5 8.1 General test rules .5 8.2 Test scenario and report 5 8.3 RFU bits. .5 8.4 Test scenarios. .5 6 Test methods for NFC-SEC-01 .7 9.1 Recipient test methods .7 9.1.1 List of protocol test methods .7 9.1.2 NFC-SEC-PDU format .7 9.1.3 Logical operation of the Transport Protocol .8 9.2 Sender test methods.. .9 9.2.1 List of protocol test methods. 10 9.2.2 NFC-SEC-PDU format .10 9.2.3 Logical operation of the Transport Protocol 10 10 Test methods for NFC-SEC-02 .12 10.1 Recipient test methods .12 10.2 Sender test methods. 13 10.2.1 ACT_REQPDUs .13 10.2.2 ENC PDUs .13 11 Test methods for NFC-SEC-03 .14 11.1 Recipient test methods. .14 11.1.1 List of protocol test methods. .14 11.1.2 NFC-SEC-PDU format .14 11.1.3 Logical operation of the Transport Protocol .14 11.2 Sender test methods.. .16 11.2.1 List of protocol test methods. .16 11.2.2 NFC-SEC-PDU format. 16 11.2.3 Logical operation of the Transport Protocol 16 11.2.4 Logical operation of the TTP Transport Protocol 18 12 Test methods for NFC-SEC-04 .18 12.1 Recipient test methods .18 12.1.1 List of protocol test methods .19 12.1.2 Logical operation of the Transport Protocol .19 IS0/IEC2017-Allrightsreserved iii IS0/IEC 22425:2017(E) 12.2 Sender test methods. 20 12.2.1 List of protocol test methods 20 12.2.2Logical operation of the Transport Protocol. .20 Annex A (informative) Test report template for Recipient tests .22 Annex B (informative) Test report template for Sender tests .25 iv @ IS0/IEC 2017 - All rights reserved

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ISO IEC 22425 2017 Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — NFC-SEC Test Methods 第 1 页 ISO IEC 22425 2017 Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — NFC-SEC Test Methods 第 2 页 ISO IEC 22425 2017 Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — NFC-SEC Test Methods 第 3 页
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