ISO/IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 29341-24-11 First edition 2017-09 Information technology - UPnP Device Architecture - Part 24-11: Internet gateway device control protocol Level 2 Wide area network internet protocol v6 - Firewall control service Technologies de I'information Architecture de dispositif UPnP Partie 24-11: Protocole de controle de dispositif de passerelle Internet Niveau 2 - Protocole internet de réseau étendu v6 - Service de controle du pare-feu Reference number IEC ISO/IEC 29341-24-11:2017(E) Copyright International Organization for Standardizatior @IS0/IEC 2017 ut license from IHS IS0/IEC 29341-24-11:2017(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS0/IEC 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 . CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 [email protected] @ IS0/IEC 2017 - All rights reserved Univ/5926867100, User=JACKEY, MA No reproductic or networking pemited without license from IHS IS0/IEC 29341-24-11:2017(E) CONTENTS 1 Scope. 2 Normative References 3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations. 4 Notations and conventions 4.1 Notation .. 4.2 Data types.. 4.3 Vendor-defined extensions.. 5 Service Model. 5.1 Service Type . 5.2 Service Architecture. 5.3 State Variables. 5.3.1 Summary 5.3.2 FirewallEnabled 5.3.3 InboundPinholeAllowed 5.3.4 A ARG TYPE OutboundPinholeTimeout 5.3.5 A_ARG_TYPE_IPv6Address. 5.3.6 A_ARG_TYPE_Port.. 5.3.7 A_ARG_TYPE_Protocol. 5.3.8 A_ARG_TYPE_LeaseTime. 5.3.9 A_ARG_TYPE_UniquelD. 5.3.10 A_ARG_TYPE_PinholePackets 5.3.11 A_ARG_TYPE_Boolean .... 5.3.12 Relationships among State Variables.. 5.4 Eventing and Moderation .. 5.4.1 Summary ... 5.4.2 Eventing of FirewallEnabled.. 5.4.3 Eventing of InboundPinholeAllowed. 5.5 5.5.1 Summary ... 5.5.2 GetFirewallStatus() .. 5.5.3 GetOutboundPinholeTimeout() 8 5.5.4 AddPinhole(). 10 5.5.5 UpdatePinhole(). 12 5.5.6 DeletePinhole().. 13 5.5.7 GetPinholePackets() 14 5.5.8 CheckPinholeWorking().. .15 5.5.9 Relationships Between Actions.. ..17 5.5.10 Error Code Summary.. 17 5.6 Service Behavioral Model ... ..17 6 XML Service Description... .18 Annex A (informative) Theory of Operation ..23 A.1 IPv4 NAT and IPv6 firewall control relationship... A.2 Start-up ... A.3 Outbound pinhole management. .24 A.3.1 Outbound pinhole creation.... ..24 A.3.2 Outbound pinhole refresh .. .24 @ ISO/IEC 2017 - All rights reserved ili Copyright International Organization for Standardization ACKEY,MA I without license from IHS

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ISO IEC 29341-24-11 2017 Information technology — UPnP Device Architecture — Part 24-11  Internet gateway device control protocol — Level 2 — Wide area network internet protocol v6 — Firewall control service 第 1 页 ISO IEC 29341-24-11 2017 Information technology — UPnP Device Architecture — Part 24-11  Internet gateway device control protocol — Level 2 — Wide area network internet protocol v6 — Firewall control service 第 2 页 ISO IEC 29341-24-11 2017 Information technology — UPnP Device Architecture — Part 24-11  Internet gateway device control protocol — Level 2 — Wide area network internet protocol v6 — Firewall control service 第 3 页
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