TECHNICAL ISO/IEC TR REPORT 23002-6 First edition 2017-10 Information technology MPEG video technologies - Part 6: Tools for reconfigurable media coding implementations Technologies de I'information - Technologies video MPEG Partie 6: Outils d'implementation du codage media reconfigurable Reference number IEC IS0/IEC TR 23002-6:2017(E) @IS0/IEC2017 JACKEY, MA ut license from IHS IS0/IECTR23002-6:2017(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS0/IEC 2017,Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 . CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41227490947 [email protected] @ IS0/IEC 2017 - All rights reserved iceneeNanyangTechnoogicalUniv/592686700,UerJACKY,MA IS0/IEC TR 23002-6:2017(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction. 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms 4 Overview 3 5 RVC-CAL .3 5.1 General .3 5.2 Installing ORCC tools .3 5.2.1 Java Runtime Environment .3 5.2.2 Eclipse. .4 5.2.3 ORCC plug-in for Eclipse. .4 5.3 “Helloworld" .5 5.3.1 Creating a new project 5 5.3.2 Creating a new package .7 5.3.3 Creating a new actor. .1 5.3.4 Creating a network. .8 5.3.5 Running simulation 12 5.4 Simple actor. .15 5.4.1 Structure of actors ..15 5.4.2 Simplest actor .15 5.4.3 Running the examples 16 5.4.4 Other simple actors. .17 5.4.5 Network of simple actors 19 5.5 Non-determinism. 20 5.6 Guarded actions 20 5.7 State variables 23 5.8 Scheduling. 25 5.9 Priorities. 28 5.10 Repeat clause 29 5.11 Controlflow 31 5.11.1 General 31 5.11.2 Data types 31 5.11.3 Assignments .31 5.11.4 Ifstatement. .32 5.11.5 While statement .33 5.11.6 Foreach statement .33 6 Papify and Papify Viewer .34 6.1 General 34 6.2 Using Papify 34 6.2.1° Papify activation .35 6.2.2 Actor assessment 36 6.2.3 Action assessment 37 6.2.4 Outputfolder 37 6.3 Papify Viewer. 37 6.3.1 Chronological visualization .37 6.3.2 Event histograms ..40 7 TURNUS .41 7.1 General. .41 7.2 Installing the TURNUS framework .42 7.2.1 General .42 7.2.2 Java Runtime Environment. .42 Copyrintnteratonal OSEfa1n- All rights reserved iii JACKEY, MA thout license from IHS Not for Resale,

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ISO IEC TR 23002-6 2017 Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 6  Tools for reconfigurable media coding implementations 第 1 页 ISO IEC TR 23002-6 2017 Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 6  Tools for reconfigurable media coding implementations 第 2 页 ISO IEC TR 23002-6 2017 Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 6  Tools for reconfigurable media coding implementations 第 3 页
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