TECHNICAL ISO/TR REPORT 20218-1 First edition 2018-08 Robotics Safety design for industrial robot systems Part 1: End-effectors Robotique - Conception de sécurité pour les systemes de robots industriels - Partie 1: Organe terminal effecteur Reference number IS0/TR 20218-1:2018(E) @IS02018 ut license from IHS Not for Resale, 09/03/2018 17:09:02 MDT IS0/TR 20218-1:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ IS0 2018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either IsO at the address below or Iso's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office CP401·Ch.deBlandonnet8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+4122 749 0111 Fax: +41 22 749 09 47 Email: Website: Published in Switzerland @ IS0 2018 - All rights reserved Not for Resale, 09/03/2018 17:09:02 MDT IS0/TR 20218-1:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv Introduction. ..V 1 Scope. ..1 2 Normative references ..1 3 Terms and definitions ..1 4 Risk assessment. .2 4.1 General .2 4.2 Limits of the end-effector(s) 4.3 Hazard identification. 4 4.3.1 General ..4 4.3.2 Examples of hazards from end-effectors and workpieces 4 4.4 Risk estimation. .4 4.5 Risk evaluation. ..5 4.6 Residual risks. .5 5 Safety requirements and risk reduction .5 5.1 General .5 5.2 Risk reduction measures. .5 5.2.1 Shape and surfaces. .5 5.2.2 Protective devices and safety-related functions .5 5.2.3 Robot application design. .7 5.2.4 Risk reduction measures implemented by the user .7 5.3 Safety-related control system performance .7 5.4 Gripper end-effectors. 7 5.4.1 General. .7 5.4.2 Grasp-type grippers .8 5.4.3 Vacuum grippers. .8 5.4.4 Magnet grippers .8 5.5 Application-specific end-effectors 9 5.5.1 General. .9 5.5.2 Examples of applications. 5.5.3 Risk reduction 5.6 End-effectors for hand-guiding robots .10 5.6.1 General 10 5.6.2 Riskreduction .10 5.7 End-effector exchange systems (tool changers) ..11 6 Verification and validation .11 7 Information for use .11 7.1 General .11 7.2 Instructions ..11 Annex A (informative) Practical examples for end-effector risk assessment .13 Annex B (informative) Examples of gripper designs and their safety performance ..18 Annex C (informative) Examples of hazards, their potential origins and consequences. ..19 Annex D (informative) Examples of hazards by function of the end-effector ..22 Bibliography .24 iii withoutlicensefrom IHS Not for Resale, 09/03/2018 17:09:02 MDT
ISO TR 20218- 1 2018 Robotics — Safety design for industrial robot systems — Part 1 End-effectors
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