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ISO/TS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 18667 First edition 2018-02 Space systems Capability-based Safety, Dependability, and Quality Assurance (SD&QA) programme management Systemes spatiaux - Management de programmes de sécurite, de sureté de fonctionnement et d'assurance de la qualité (SD&QA), axé sur les capacités Reference number IS0/TS 18667:2018(E) @ IS0 2018 "eqr[tkijvgf'd("WPG."E1"1gpqxc."8l"4:226"Ocftkf."Urck 4"WVE"4246 wintx1nft IS0/TS 18667:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @IS02018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting onthe internet oranintranet,withoutpriorwrittenpermission.Permissioncanberequestedfrom eitherIso attheaddress below orIso'smemberbody inthe countryoftherequester ISO copyright office CP 40i : Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+41227490111 Fax: +41 22 749 09 47 Email: [email protected] Published in Switzerland ii E*eqr[tkijgf"d("WPG.'E1"gpqxc."8"4:226*Ocftkf.Urckp"cm'tkijw'tgugtxgf+*Uwp*Hgd’3:’246474"WVE*4246 IS02018-Allrightsreserved wtvint'tartnfweikani'cwintiInfl IS0/TS 18667:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction. .. i 1 Scope. ..1 2 Normative references 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms 3.1 Terms and definitions 3.2 Abbreviated terms 4 4 Objectives, policy and principles - General ..5 4.1 Objectives. .5 4.2 Policy .5 4.3 Principles .6 5 Instructions. .9 5.1 General .9 5.2 Authorize SD&QA programme. ..9 5.2.1 General .9 5.2.2 Safety programme .10 5.2.3 Dependability programme .10 5.2.4 Quality Assurance (QA) programme ..10 5.2.5 Assign qualified managers, leads, engineers, and technicians to SD&QA programme.. ..10 5.2.6 Continuously improve the SD&QA process. .10 5.3 Define/identify, assess, and flow down the SD&QA requirements ..10 5.3.1 Flow down the essential SD&QA requirements .11 5.3.2 Conflicting SD&QA requirements disposition criteria ..12 5.4 Planning the SD&QA programme. .12 5.4.1 General .12 5.4.2 Select SD&QA processes based on Product Unit-Value/Criticality Categories.... 16 5.4.3 Define SD&QA process implementation phasing based on systems engineering life cycle phases/milestones .16 5.4.4 Identify the SD&QA guidance sources. ..19 5.4.5 EstablishtheTechnicalPerformanceMetrics .19 5.5 Coordinate the SD&QA processes with other product assurance processes .19 5.5.1 General. ..19 5.5.2 Coordinate Project's and Subcontractor's SD&QA Activities. .19 5.5.3 Establish, utilize, and maintain a project SD&QA database system 20 5.6 Apply engineering and evaluation methods to identify system and process deficiencies .20 5.6.1 General. 20 5.6.2 Define the system failure criteria and identify failure modes 20 5.6.3 Assess maturity of key input data, constraints, ground rules, and analytical assumptions. .22 5.7 SD&QA risk assessment and control 23 5.7.1 Integrate SD&QA with programme-wide technical risk management processes 23 5.7.2 SD&QA risk management responsibilities. 23 5.7.3 SD&QA Programme Self-Inspections. .24 5.7.4 SD&QA risk identification. 25 5.7.5 Qualitative SD&QA risk likelihood assessment 27 5.7.6 Quantitative SD&QA risk likelihood assessment 30 5.7.7 SD&QA risk mitigation assessment 30 5.7.8 SD&QA risk tracking 30 5.7.9 SD&QA risk level assessment. 31 5.7.10 Separate EsOH/system safety risk management .32 5.7.11 Present SD&QA risk status using a single risk matrix format. .32 iii nvnnnrfnffrtknunf"hnt"nntikr"Kninkwwn'nh"Vneinnit"Vik

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ISO TS 18667 2018 Space systems — Capability-based Safety, Dependability, and Quality Assurance (SD&QA) programme management 第 1 页 ISO TS 18667 2018 Space systems — Capability-based Safety, Dependability, and Quality Assurance (SD&QA) programme management 第 2 页 ISO TS 18667 2018 Space systems — Capability-based Safety, Dependability, and Quality Assurance (SD&QA) programme management 第 3 页
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