ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 13976 Third edition 2016-08-15 Hot-rolled steelsheetincoilsof structural quality and heavy thickness Toles fortes en acier de construction lamineesa chaud enbobines Referencenumber ISO13976:2016(E) iso ationalOrganizationforStandardization IS02016 IS013976:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword iv 1 Scope. 2 Normativereferences 3 Terms and definitions 4 Dimensions. ..2 5 Conditions ofmanufacture .2 5.1 Steelmaking .2 5.2 Chemical composition 2 5.3 Chemical analysis.. 3 5.3.1 Heat analysis 3 5.3.2 Product analysis 3 5.4 Mechanical properties. .4 5.5 Application 4 5.6 Weldability .4 5.7 Surface condition 4 5.8 Oiling.... .4 5.9 Dimensionaland shapetolerances .4 6 Sampling-Tensiletest 6 7 Test methods. .6 7.1 Tensile test. ..6 7.2 Impacttest .6 8 Retests. .7 8.1 Machining and flaws .7 8.2 Elongation 7 8.3 Additional tests. .1 9 .7 Resubmission 10 Workmanship .7 11 Inspectionand acceptance ..7 12 Coil size 13 Marking 14 Informationto be suppliedbythepurchaser .8 Bibliography 9 ili IS013976:2016(E) Foreword IsO(theInternational OrganizationforStandardization)isaworldwidefederationofnationalstandards bodies (isO member bodies).The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through Iso technical committees.Each memberbody interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee.International organizations,governmental and non-governmental, in liaison withIso, also takepart in the work. ISOcollaboratescloselywiththeInternationalElectrotechnicalCommission(IEC)onallmattersof electrotechnicalstandardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described intheIsO/IECDirectives, Part1.Inparticular the different approval criterianeeded for the different types of Iso documents should be noted.This document was drafted in accordance with the editorialrulesoftheISo/IECDirectives, Attentionisdrawntothepossibilitythatsomeoftheelementsofthisdocumentmaybethesubjectof patent rights. IsO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.Details of anypatent rights identified during thedevelopment of the documentwill beinthe Introduction and/or Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constituteanendorsement. For an explanation on the meaning of Iso specificterms and expressionsrelated to conformity assessment, as well as information about IsO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see the following URL: foreword.html Thecommitteeresponsibleforthisdocument isISo/TC17,Steel,SubcommitteeSC12,Continuousmill flat rolled products. Thisthird edition cancels andreplacesthe secondedition (IS013976:2005),whichhasbeentechnically revised. Is02016-Allrightsreserved

.pdf文档 ISO 13976 2016 Hot-rolled steel sheet in coils of structural quality and heavy thickness

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ISO 13976 2016 Hot-rolled steel sheet in coils of structural quality and heavy thickness 第 1 页 ISO 13976 2016 Hot-rolled steel sheet in coils of structural quality and heavy thickness 第 2 页 ISO 13976 2016 Hot-rolled steel sheet in coils of structural quality and heavy thickness 第 3 页
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