ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 14934-4 Firstedition 2014-08-15 Fire tests Calibration and use of heat flux meters - Part 4: Guidance on the use of heat flux meters in fire tests Essais au feu-Etalonnage et utilisation des appareils de mesure du flux thermique- Partie 4:Lignesdirectrices pourI'utilisationdes fluxmetres thermiquesdans les essaisaufeu Reference number IS014934-4:2014(E) LSO @IS02014 IS014934-4:2014(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ISO2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56.CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. +4122 749 0111 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii @ IS0 2014- All rights reserved IS0 14934-4:2014(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv Introduction.. ... 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions ..1 4 General information onheatfluxmeters 4.1 General .1 .2 4.2 Principle of measurement 4.3 Design of heat flux meter .3 4.4 Measurement characteristics 4.5 Physical shape of heat flux meter .8 5 Attachments to heat flux meters .9 5.1 Air purging. ..9 5.2 Windows. ..10 5.3 Cooling system .11 6 Selection ofa suitable heat fluxmeter .12 6.1 General .12 6.2 Range of measurement. ..12 6.3 Type, dimensions and orientation .13 6.4 Viewangle .14 6.5 Response time. .14 6.6 Sensitivitytoconvectiveheattransfer. ..14 7 Performing a measurement .14 7.1 Installation. .14 7.2 Target surface. .15 7.3 Electronics ..15 7.4 Relationship between output voltage and total heat flux ..15 8 Calibration .16 8.1 Secondary standard heat flux meter ..16 8.2 Working standard heat flux meters .16 8.3 Frequency of calibration. ..16 9 Maintenance .16 9.1 Absorber .16 9.2 Wiring. .16 9.3 Water supply ..16 10 Use of heat flux meters in fire tests .16 10.1 General .16 10.2 Ignitability test: IS0 5657 ..17 10.3 Spread of flame test: IS0 5658 series .17 10.4 Heat release, smoke production and mass loss: IS0 5660 series and IS0 17554 ..18 10.5 Full-scaleroomtestforsurfaceproducts:IS09705andIS013784series .18 10.6 Facadetests:I013785series.. ..18 10.7 Spread of flame test for floor coverings: Is09239 series ..18 10.8 Intermediate-scale heat release calorimeter (ICAL): IS0 14696 ..18 Bibliography .19 @IS0 2014-All rights reserved ili
ISO 14934-4 2014 Fire tests — Calibration and use of heat flux meters — Part 4 Guidance on the use of heat flux meters in fire tests
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