BSIS016857:2013 BSl Standards Publication Ships and marinetechnology - Loose gear of lifting appliances on ships - Shackles bsi. ..making excellence a habit. BRITISHSTANDARD BSISO16857:2013 National foreword ThisBritishStandard isthe UK implementationof IS016857:2013 TheUKparticipation in itspreparationwas entrustedtoTechnical CommitteeSME/32/-/4,Shipsandmarinetechnology-Outfittingand deck machinery. Alist of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract.Users are responsiblefor its correct application. @TheBritishStandardsInstitution2014.PublishedbyBSIStandards Limited2014 ISBN9780580750106 ICS47.020.40;47.020.50 Compliancewitha BritishStandard cannot conferimmunityfrom legal obligations. This British Standard waspublished underthe authority of the StandardsPolicyandStrategyCommitteeon28February2014. Amendmentsissuedsincepublication Date Text affected BSISO16857:2013 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 16857 First edition 2013-12-15 Ships and marine technology Loose gear of lifting appliances on ships Shackles Navires et technologie maritime - Accessoires mobiles des appareils delevagesurlesnavires-Manilles Referencenumber ISO16857:2013(E) @ IS0 2013

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ISO 16857 2013 Ships and marine technology — Loose gear of lifting appliances on ships — Shackles 第 1 页 ISO 16857 2013 Ships and marine technology — Loose gear of lifting appliances on ships — Shackles 第 2 页 ISO 16857 2013 Ships and marine technology — Loose gear of lifting appliances on ships — Shackles 第 3 页
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