ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 16872 Second edition 2015-01-15 Round steel short link chains for lifting purposes - Fine tolerance hoist chains for hand operated chain hoists Grade VH Chaines de levage en acier de section ronde a maillons courts- Chaines de palans de tolerances fine pour palans a la main - Classe de qualité VH Reference number ISO 16872:2015(E) SO International Organization for Standardization ng Institute of S ndardization 5956617 IS02015 vided by IHS under I itted without license from IHS IS0 16872:2015(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ IS0 2015 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISOcopyrightoffice Case postale 56:CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland Prganizationfor Standardization Not for Resale, 2015/5/13 07:03:58 etworking permitted without license from IHS IS0 16872:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General conditions of acceptance 5 Dimensions. ..2 5.1 Nominal size, dn 2 5.2 Diameter tolerance ..4 5.3 Pitch. .4 5.4 Width ..4 5.5 Standard gauge length 4 5.6 Weld diameter. ..4 5.7 Length dimensionally affected by welding ..5 6 Material and manufacture .5 Quality of material. .5 6.1 6.1.1 General .5 6.1.2 Type of steel .5 6.1.3 .5 Deoxidation 6.1.4 Weldability. 5 6.1.5 Chemical composition .5 6.1.6 Finished condition. .5 6.2 Heat treatment .6 6.3 Working load limits (WLL) .6 6.4 Mechanical properties. ..6 6.4.1 Manufacturing proof force (MPF) .6 6.4.2 Breaking force (BF) .7 6.4.3 Total ultimate elongation, A .7 6.4.4 Bend deflection, f .7 6.4.5 Surface hardness .7 6.4.6 Toughness. .7 Verification of safety requirements .11 7.1 Size of lot and selection of samples. .11 7.2 Manufacturing proof force (MPF) - Acceptance criteria. ..11 7.3 Breaking force (BF) and total ultimate elongation Acceptance criteria .11 7.4 Bend deflection. .11 7.4.1 Bendtest. .11 7.4.2 Bend deflection Acceptance criteria ..12 7.5 Hardness test Acceptance criteria .12 7.6 Toughness of chain test material. .13 7.6.1 Toughness test .13 7.6.2 Toughness test Acceptance criteria ..13 8 Marking .13 8.1 Grade marking. .13 8.2 Manufacturer's marking ..13 9 Manufacturer's certificate ..13 10 Information for assembly into the chain hoist and for use ..13 10.1 General .13 10.2 Assembly of hoist chain into the chain hoist .13 10.3 Hoist chain use. .14 10.4 Inspection. ..14 iii iseeZhejang Insttute of Standardization 5956617 d without license from IHS Not for Resale, 2015/5/13 07:03:58

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ISO 16872 2015 Round steel short link chains for lifting purposes — Fine tolerance hoist chains for hand operated chain hoists — Grade VH 第 1 页 ISO 16872 2015 Round steel short link chains for lifting purposes — Fine tolerance hoist chains for hand operated chain hoists — Grade VH 第 2 页 ISO 16872 2015 Round steel short link chains for lifting purposes — Fine tolerance hoist chains for hand operated chain hoists — Grade VH 第 3 页
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