ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 16956 First edition 2015-02-01 Thermal performance in the built environment Determination of air flow rate in building applications by field measuring methods Performance thermique des batiments - Détermination du taux de renouvellement d'air dans les batiments par des meéthodes de mesure sursite Reference number ISO 16956:2015(E) ISO International Organization for Standardization =Zhejiang Institute of Standardization 5956617 @ISO2015 HS unde mitted without license from IHS IS0 16956:2015(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT @ ISO 2015 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form written permission. Permission can be requested from either Iso at the address below or Iso's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland Inteationai br DrganizationforStandardization Not for Resale, 2015/3/11 01:34:24 No reproduction or networking permited without license from IHS IS0 16956:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V 1 Scope .1 2 Normative references ..1 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms. ..2 5 Types and selection of measurement method ..2 5.1 Types of measurement methods and their application. .2 5.2 Selection of measurement method. 2 6 Basic specifications measuring instruments and utilization methods .2 6.1 General .2 6.2 Thermal anemometer 2 6.3 Pitot tube and manometer. .3 6.4 Vane-type anemometer. 3 Field measuring methods of air flow rate of ventilation and air conditioning systems 7 7.1 Multipoint air velocity measurement method. 3 7.1.1 Measurementinaduct, .4 7.1.2 Measurement method at duct connection of air-conditioning system .6 7.1.3 Selection of measuring instruments 7.2 Tracer gas measurement method 7 7.2.1 Formula .7 7.2.2 Tracer gas. .8 7.2.3 Procedures for measuring air flow rate ..8 7.2.4 Tracer gas injection procedures ..9 7.2.5 Tracer gas sampling procedures. .10 7.3 Flow hood method. 10 7.3.1 General. .10 7.3.2 Equipment composition. .10 7.3.3 Measurement procedures ..11 7.4 Pressure compensation measurement method. ..11 7.4.1 Equipment composition .12 7.4.2 Measurement procedures. .13 7.4.3 Effective application range ..13 7.5 Pressure difference measurement method .13 7.5.1 Measuring equipment 7.5.2 Selection of measuring instruments .14 7.5.3 Measuring procedures. 14 8 Uncertainty ..15 8.1 Uncertainty of each measurement .15 8.1.1 Multipoint air velocity measurement method .15 8.1.2 Tracer gas measurement method. ..15 8.1.3 Flow hood method. .. 15 8.1.4 Pressure-loss compensation measurement method 8.1.5 Pressure difference measurement method. .15 8.2 Analysis of uncertainty .15 9 Measurement report ..16 9.1 Information related to measured object. .16 9.2 Items related to measuring method 9.3 Measurement results. ..16 Annex A (normative) Position for cross-section measurement in a duct using multipoint measurement method .17 ii censee=Zhejang Institute of Standardization 5956617 d without license from IHS Not for Resale, 2015/3/11 01:34:24

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ISO 16956 2015 Thermal performance in the built environment — Determination of air flow rate in building applications by field measuring methods 第 1 页 ISO 16956 2015 Thermal performance in the built environment — Determination of air flow rate in building applications by field measuring methods 第 2 页 ISO 16956 2015 Thermal performance in the built environment — Determination of air flow rate in building applications by field measuring methods 第 3 页
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