ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 17987-6 Firstedition 2016-10-01 Road vehiclesLocal Interconnect Network (LIN) - Part 6: Protocol conformance test specification Vehicules routiers-Reseau Internet local (LIN)- Partie 6:Spécification du protocole d'essai de conformite Reference number ISO 17987-6:2016(E) ISO @IS02016 IS017987-6:2016(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT Is02016,PublishedinSwitzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior writtenpermission.Permission can berequested from either IsO at theaddress below or Iso'smemberbody in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Blandonnet8·CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier,Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax+4122749 09 47 ii @IS0 2016-All rights reserved IS017987-6:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword .vii Introduction. vili 1 Scope. .1 2 Normativereferences. ..1 3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms. 3.1 Terms and definitions 1 3.2 Symbols. 2 3.3 Abbreviated terms... 3 4 Conventions .4 5 General test specification considerations. 4 5.1 General. 4 5.2 Test conditions.. 4 5.3 Mandatory requirementsforIUT asmaster 4 5.4 MandatoryrequirementsforIUTasslave. 5 5.5 Test case architecture.. 5 5.6 Classification. .6 5.7 Test systemrequirements 6 5.7.1 Generation of LIN frames. 6 5.7.2 Standard requirements forthetest cases. 6 5.7.3 Special requirements forbittimingtesting. 6 5.7.4 TestsystemforIUTasslavenode 6 5.7.5 Sleep state verification for IUT as slave node 6 5.8 Test systemdefinition.. 5.9 Global predefinitionsforthetest setup. 5.9.1 Configuration of IUT and test system. 5.9.2 Default delaysfor frameheaders. . 5.9.3 Default bit rate... 9 5.9.4 Time measurement. 9 5.9.5 Default spacesbetween thedifferentframepartsofaLIN message 9 6 Essentialtest cases beforeteststart ..10 6.1 General. 10 6.2 [PT-CT1]Diagnosticframe"masterrequest",IUTasslave .10 6.3 [PT-CT2jDiagnosticframe"slaveresponse",IUTasslave, ..10 6.4 [PT-CT3jErrorinreceivedframe,IUTasslave. .10 7 Timing parameters. ..11 7.1 General. 7.2 [PT-CT4]Lengthofbreakfieldlowphase,IUTasmaster. ..11 7.3 [PT-CT5]Variationoflengthofbreakfieldlowphase,IUTasslave. 7.4 [PT-CT6j Length of breakdelimiter, IUT as maste... .12 7.5 [PT-CT7]Variationoflengthofbreakdelimiter,IUTasslave 7.6 [PT-CT8j Inconsistentbreak field error,IUTasslave.. .13 7.7 [PT-CT9]Inconsistentsyncbytefielderror,IUTasslave ...13 7.8 [PT-CT10]Verificationofthesyncbytefield,IUTasmaster .14 7.9 [PT-CT11jIncompleteframereception,IUTasslave. .14 7.10 [PT-CT 12jUnknownframe reception,IUTasslave.. .15 7.11 [PT-CT13j Length of header,IUTasmaster.. 16 7.12 [PT-CT14jVariationoflengthofheader,IUTasslave. .16 7.13 [PT-CT15j Bit rate tolerance,IUT as master. .17 7.14 [PT-CT 16] Bit ratetolerance, IUT as slavewithout making use ofsynchronization 17 7.15 [PT-CT17jBit ratetolerance,IUTasslavewithmakinguseof synchronization. 18 7.16 Length of response..... ..18 7.16.1[PT-CT18] Lengthofresponse,IUTas slave. 18 IS02016-All rightsreserved ili
ISO 17987-6 2016 Road vehicles — Local Interconnect Network (LIN) — Part 6 Protoco
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