ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 18215 First edition 2015-05-01 Ships and marine technology Vessel machinery operations in polar waters Guidelines Navires et technologie maritime Exploitation des machines des navires en eaux polaires-Lignes directrices Reference number ISO 18215:2015(E) SO International Organization for Standardization @ IS0 2015 vided by IHS under ted without license from IHS IS0 18215:2015(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ IS0 2015 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyrightoffice Case postale 56:CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax +4122 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland Prganizationfor Standardization I by IHS unde Not for Resale,2015/6/2909:32:4 etworking permitted without license from IHS IS0 18215:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references ..1 3 Terms and definitions ..1 4 Cold weather diesel engine operations. 4.1 General .1 4.2 Starting diesel engines in cold weather. .1 4.3 Cold weather starting aids 2 4.3.1 General 2 4.3.2 Glow plugs, preheaters, and block heaters. 2 4.4 Gelling of fuel .2 4.5 Other fuel, equipment storage, and operational considerations 3 4.6 Properlubricating oil viscosity .3 4.7 Cetane number. .4 5 Preparations for other engineering systems .4 5.1 Lifeboat engine preparations .5 5.2 Cold weather preparations for other lifeboat machinery .5 6 Cold weather deck machinery preparations and operations .6 6.1 General .6 7 Batteries .6 Annex A (informative) Other important logistical and operational considerations for extremely cold weather .7 Annex B (informative) Battery maintenance considerations for extremely cold weather ..8 Bibliography 9 iii andardization5956617 lout license from IHS
ISO 18215 2015 Ships and marine technology — Vessel machinery operations in polar waters — Guidelines