ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 18296 Firstedition 2014-10-15 Ships and marine technology Ship- shifting winches Naviresettechnologiemaritime-Treuilsdedeplacementdes navires Reference number ISO 18296:2014(E) @IS02014 Copyright Interng rovided by IHS ur se with IS 001, User=asdasd, allkk IS018296:2014(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO2014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication maybe reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form written permission. Permission can be requested from eitherISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of therequester. ISO copyrightoffice Case postale 56.CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel.+41227490111 Fax+41227490947 E-mail Published in Switzerland ational Organization for Standardization Is02014-Allrightsreserved Not for Resale, 07/31/2015 07:03:31 MD IS018296:2014(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv 1 Scope. ..1 2 Normativereferences ..1 3 Terms and definitions .1 3.1 Technical terms 1 3.2 Types of ship-shifting winches. 2 4 Design and operation. 2 4.1 General requirements 2 4.2 Strength requirements 2 4.3 Steel wireropes. 3 4.4 Drum design. 3 4.5 Auxiliary equipment. 3 4.6 Brakes. 3 4.7 Safety and protection 4 4.8 Speed control 4 4.9 Operating devices 4 4.10 Drive equipment 5 5 Performance specifications 5 5.1 Preferred numbers of drumload 5 5.2 Preferrednumbersofnominalhaulingspeed 5 5.3 Preferred numbers of drum capacity 5 5.4 Light line speed. 5 5.5 Holdingload 5 5.6 Breaking strength of ropes. 5 5.7 Control requirementsforautomatictension 6 6 Acceptancetests 6 6.1 General. 6 6.2 Typetest .6 6.3 Individual test 7 7 Designationsystem .8 7.1 Designation of product models 8 7.2 Nameplate 8 ili
ISO 18296 2014 Ships and marine technology — Ship-shifting winches