ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 18619 First edition 2015-07-01 Image technology colour management Black point compensation Gestion de couleur en technologie d'image - Compensation du point noir Reference number ISO 18619:2015(E) ISO International Organization for Standardization seZhejang Institute of Standardization 5956617 @ISO2015 vided by IHS under I No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS IS0 18619:2015(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT IS0 2015, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISOcopyrightoffice Ch. de Blandonnet 8 · CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 Internatinir DrganizationforStandardization Not for Resale,2015/9/2208:18:41 networking permited withoutlicense from IHS IS0 18619:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv Introduction. ..V 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Requirements .2 4.1 Constraints .2 4.2 Computation 3 4.2.1 Outline 3 4.2.2 Functions used ..3 4.2.3 Computing the SourceBlackPoint. 4 4.2.4 Computing the DestinationBlackPoint for ICC profiles that are not LUT-based...4 4.2.5 Computing the DestinationBlackPoint for ICC profiles that are LUT-based. .5 4.2.6 Computing the mapping from SourceBlackPoint to DestinationBlackPoint. ..10 4.2.7 Applying the black point compensation in a colour conversion. ..11 Annex A (informative) Why black point compensation is neccessary .12 Bibliography ..14 Inteainal oganzation @st(Sr2a1.5 - All rights reserved ii icensee=Zhejiang Institute of Standardization 5956617 vided by IHS under I ithout license from IHS
ISO 18619 2015 Image technology colour management — Black point compensation