ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 19598 Firstedition 2016-11-15 Metalliccoatings-Electroplated coatingsofzincandzincalloysoniron orsteelwithsupplementaryCr(V)- freetreatment Revetementsmetalliques-Revetementsélectrolytiquesde zincet d'alliages de zinc sur du fer ou de I'acieravec traitement supplementairesansCr(Vl) Referencenumber ISO19598:2016(E) ISO ISO2016 ISO19598:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv Introduction .V 1 Scope 2 Normativereferences 1 3 Terms and definitions .1 4 Designation. 2 4.1 Electrodeposited coatings 2 4.2 Passivation 2 4.3 Posttreatment 2 4.4 Significant(functional)surfaces 4.5 Examplesofdesignations. .3 5 Informationtobesuppliedbythepurchasertotheelectroplater .3 6 Basis materials .4 7 Coating and processing 4 7.1 Surface preparation and deposition of zinc or zinc-alloy coating 4 7.2 Supplementarytreatments.. 4 7.2.1 Passivation layers 4 7.2.2 Posttreatment 7.3 Barrel-/rack-plating(handlingofparts) 5 7.3.1 Barrel electroplating 5 7.3.2 Rackelectroplating 5 7.4 Hydrogen embrittlement 5 7.4.1 Basicfactors 5 7.4.2 Choiceofprocedure 6 8 Requirementstobemetbycoatings and testmethods 7 8.1 Thickness 7 8.2 Adhesion 7 8.3 Absence ofCr(VI) .8 8.4 Acceleratedcorrosiontesting .8 8.4.1 General. 8 8.4.2 Minimumcorrosionresistanceof passivatedzincand zinc-alloycoatings 8 9 Testreport. .10 9.1 General information 10 9.2 Coatings on materials havinga tensile strength≥1000N/mm2 10 9.3 Testresults 10 Bibliography 11 iii tromIHS IS019598:2016(E) Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization)isa worldwidefederationofnational standards bodies (Iso member bodies).The work ofpreparing International Standards is normally carried out throughIso technical committees.Each member body interested in a subjectforwhicha technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee.International ISo collaboratescloselywiththeInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)on all matters of electrotechnicalstandardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISo/IEc Directives, Part 1.Inparticularthe different approval criteria neededfor the differenttypes of iso documents should benoted.This document was drafted inaccordance with the editorialrulesoftheISo/IEcDirectives,Part2( Attention is drawn to the possibilitythat some oftheelements ofthis documentmaybe the subject of patent rights.IsO shall notbe held responsiblefor identifying any or all suchpatent rights.Details of anypatent rights identified during thedevelopment ofthedocument will be inthe Introduction and/or on the Iso list ofpatentdeclarations received ( Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constituteanendorsement. ForanexplanationonthemeaningofisOspecifictermsandexpressionsrelatedtoconformityassessment, as well as information about ISO's adherenceto the World Trade Organization (WTO)principles in the Technical BarrierstoTrade (TBT) The committeeresponsible for this document is ISo/TC 107,Metallic and other inorganic coatings, SubcommitteeSc3,Electrodepositedcoatingsandrelatedfinishes. tromtHS
ISO 19598 2016 Metallic coatings — Electroplated coatings of zinc and zinc alloys on iron or steel with supplementary Cr(VI)-free treatment
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