ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 7176-1 Third edition 2014-10-01 Wheelchairs - Part 1: Determination of static stability Fauteuilsroulants- Partie1:Determinationdelastabilitestatique Referencenumber ISO 7176-1:2014(E) 度 MizationforStandardization ISO2014 nternetional Org dization5956617 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS IS07176-1:2014(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02014 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may bereproduced or utilized otherwise in anyform written permission.Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISo's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56.CH-1211Geneva 20 Tel.+41227490111 Fax+41227490947 Web Published in Switzerland genizationforStandardization Rasale,20 No reproductin or netwocking pemited without icene from IHs IS07176-1:2014(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv Introduction. 1 Scope. .1 2 Normative references .1 3 Termsand definitions .1 4 Principles 4.1 Static stability 4.2 Effectivenessofanti-tipdevices .4 5 Apparatus. .4 6 Set-upprocedure .5 7 Generaltestprocedure 8 Testforstatic stability intheforward direction .6 8.1 General .6 8.2 Wheels unlocked and the wheelchair in theleast stable configuration .7 8.3 Downhillwheelslockedandthewheelchairintheleaststableconfiguration .8 8.4 Wheelsunlockedandthewheelchairinthemoststableconfiguration .10 8.5 Downhillwheelslockedandthewheelchairinthemoststableconfiguration .11 9 Test forstatic stabilityin therearward direction ..11 9.1 General ..11 9.2 Wheels unlocked and the wheelchair in theleast stable configuration .12 9.3 Wheelslocked and the wheelchair in theleast stableconfiguration .13 9.4 Wheels unlocked and the wheelchair in the most stable configuration .15 9.5 Wheelslockedandthewheelchairinthemoststableconfiguration 15 10 Testfor static stability,lateral orientation .15 10.1 General. ..15 10.2 Wheelchairintheleaststableconfiguration .16 10.3 Wheelchair in themoststableconfiguration .21 11 Testforstaticstabilitywithforwardorrearwardanti-tipdevices .21 11.1 General .21 11.2 Anti-tipdevicesintheleasteffectiveconfiguration .21 11.3 Anti-tipdevicesinthemosteffectiveconfiguration. .24 11.4 Testforeffectivenessofanti-tipdevices ..25 12 Test report ..26 13 Informationdisclosure .27 AnnexA(informative)Meanstopreventwheelsorpostsfromsliding ..28 s1S9.2014-All rights reserved ili Razhajan ndardization5956617 No reproduction or netwcrking pemited without icense from IHS

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