BS ISO 7250-3:2015 BSIStandardsPublication Basic human body measurements for technological design Part 3: Worldwide and regional design ranges for use in product standards bsi. ..making excellence a habit. British Star ality and Standardization 599039 BSISO7250-3:2015 BRITISHSTANDARD Nationalforeword ThisBritish Standard is the UK implementation of IS07250-3:2015 TheUKparticipation in its preparationwas entrusted toTechnical Committee PH/9/-/4, Ergonomics -Anthropometry and Biomechanics. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract.Users are responsiblefor its correct application. TheBritishStandardsInstitution2015. Published by BSI Standards Limited 2015 ISBN9780580847691 ICS 13.180 Compliancewitha BritishStandard cannot confer immunityfrom legal obligations. This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 August 2015. Amendments/corrigendaissued sincepublication Date Textaffected British Standards Institution with BSI - Uncontrolled C BSISO7250-3:2015 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 7250-3 Firstedition 2015-08-15 Basic human body measurements for technological design - Part 3: Worldwide and regional design ranges for use in product standards Definitions des mesures de base du corps humain pour la conception technologique- Partie 3: Gammes de conception regionales et mondiales pour utilisationdans lesnormesdeproduits Reference number IS07250-3:2015(E) LSO @IS02015 British Standards Institution ty and Standardization 599039(

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ISO 7250-3 2015 Basic human body measurements for technological design — Part 3  Worldwide and regional design ranges for use in product standards 第 1 页 ISO 7250-3 2015 Basic human body measurements for technological design — Part 3  Worldwide and regional design ranges for use in product standards 第 2 页 ISO 7250-3 2015 Basic human body measurements for technological design — Part 3  Worldwide and regional design ranges for use in product standards 第 3 页
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