ISO/IEC/ INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IEEE 29119-5 Firstedition 2016-11-15 Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing Ingenierie du logiciel et des systemes-Essais du logiciel- Partie 5:Essais axes sur des mots-cles IEC Reference number IS0/IEC/IEEE29119-5:2016(E) IEEE @IS0/IEC2016 CIEEE2016 ISO/IEC/IEEE29119-5:2016(E) Contents Page 1 2 Conformance....... 2.1 Intended usage.. 2.2 Full conformance.. 2.3 Tailored conformance .2 3 Normative references ..... 4 5 IntroductiontoKeyword-DrivenTesting ....... 5.1 5.2 Layers in Keyword-Driven Testing.. 5.2.1 Overview. 5.2.2 Domain layer..... 5.2.3 Testinterface layer. 5.2.4 Multiple layers. 5.3 Typesofkeywords. 10 5.3.1 Simple keywords...... 5.3.2 Composite keywords.. 11 5.3.3 Navigation/interaction (input)andverification (output) 5.3.4 Keywords and test result.............. 14 5.4 Keywords and Data..... 15 6 Application ofKeyword-DrivenTesting 6.1 Overview. 16 6.2 Identifyingkeywords 16 6.3 Composing test cases.... 6.4 Keywords and data-driven testing.... 18 6.5 Modularity and refactoring .... 18 6.6 Keyword-DrivenTestingintheTestDesignProcess. 19 6.6.1 Overview..... 6.6.2 TD1 lIdentify Feature Sets. 6.6.3 TD2DeriveTest Conditions.. 20 6.6.4 TD3DeriveTest Coverage Items... 6.6.5 TD4 Derive Test Cases... 21 6.6.6 TD5 Assemble Test Sets.. 22 6.6.7 TD6 Derive Test Procedures....... 22 6.7 Converting non keyword-driven test cases into Keyword-Driven Testing...... 7 Keyword-Driven Testing Frameworks. 22 7.1 Overview... 7.2 ComponentsofaKeyword-DrivenTestingframework... 23 7.2.1 23 7.2.2 Keyword-driven Editor .... 25 7.2.3 Decomposer. 26 7.2.4 Data sequencer.. 26 7.2.5 Manual test assistant..... 7.2.6 Tool bridge... 26 7.2.7 Test execution environment and execution engine. 26 7.2.8 27 7.2.9 Data .... 7.2.10 Script repository. 27 7.3 BasicattributesoftheKeyword-DrivenTestingframework 27 7.3.1 General information on basic attributes 7.3.2 General attributes... 27 7.3.3 Dedicatedkeyword-driveneditor (tool) 28 7.3.4 Decomposer and data sequencer .... 29 ISO/IEC2016-All rights reserved ii Internatio@EEa20A6stamAllirights reserved ISO/IEC/IEEE29119-5:2016(E) 7.3.5 Manual test assistant (tool) .29 7.3.6 Tool bridge... 29 7.3.7 Test execution engine. 29 7.3.8 Keyword library 7.3.9 Script repository. .30 7.4 Advanced attributes offrameworks 30 7.4.1 General information on advanced attributes.. 30 7.4.2 General attributes.... 7.4.3 Dedicated keyword-driven editor (tool). 31 7.4.4 Decomposer and data sequencer... 31 7.4.5 .Manual test assistant............ 31 7.4.6 Tool bridge ... .31 7.4.7 Test execution environment and execution engine... 7.4.8 Keyword library ..... 33 7.4.9 Test data support .... 7.4.10 Script repository... 8 Data interchange... 33 Annex A(normative) Conventions... ..34 AnnexB (informative)Benefitsand Issues ofKeyword-DrivenTesting .35 B.1 General benefits of Keyword-Driven Testing.... 35 B.2 Benefits ofKeyword-Driven Testing fortest automation.... B.3 Benefits of Keyword-Driven Testing for manual testing .. B.4 Possible issues with Keyword-Driven Testing....... .36 AnnexC (informative)GettingstartedwithKeyword-DrivenTesting... 37 C.1 General ....... 37 C.2 Identifying Keywords... 37 C.3 Composingtestcases .38 AnnexD (informative)Roles and Tasks ..39 D.1 Overview-Roles and Tasks... .39 D.2 Domain expert.... .39 D.3 Test designer....... D.4 Testautomation expert .40 AnnexE(informative)Basickeywords.. 41 E.1 Overview.... 41 E.2 E.3 Exampleapplication ofbasickeywords .... .45 AnnexF(informative)Examples. F.1 Overview..... 49 F.2 Example:testprocedurefromISO/IEC/IEEE29119-3. .49 F.3 Example:Testofshoppingprocedurewithlow-levelkeywords. F.4 Exampleforcalculatorwithlow-levelkeywords.... 52 F.5 Exampleforcalculatorwithdomainlevelkeywords... 52 AnnexGBibliography. 54 fromIHS

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ISO IEC IEEE 29119-5 2016 Software and systems engineering — Software testing — Part 5  Keyword-Driven Testing 第 1 页 ISO IEC IEEE 29119-5 2016 Software and systems engineering — Software testing — Part 5  Keyword-Driven Testing 第 2 页 ISO IEC IEEE 29119-5 2016 Software and systems engineering — Software testing — Part 5  Keyword-Driven Testing 第 3 页
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