ISO/IEC TECHNICAL REPORT TR 12182 First edition 1998-11-01 Information technology Categorization of software Technologies de I'information - Classement des logiciels IEC Reference number ISO/IEC TR 12182:1998(E) International Organization for Standardization No r vided by IHS under itted without license from IHS ISO/IEC TR 12182:1998(E) Contents 1 Scope 2 Conformance. 3 Normative references. 4 Terms and definitions. 5 Symbols (and abbreviated terms) ... 6 Concept of a categorization of software.. 6.1 Structureofviews 6.2 Selection of views and categories 7 Scheme of categorizatior 7.1 Software function. 7.2 Application area of information system.. 7.3 Operation mode. 7.4 Scale of software.. .5 7.5 Data representation 7.6 Primary language 7.7 Software criticality . 7.8 Userclass 7.9 Software stability 7.10 Software product availability 7.11 Usage of software data. 7.12 Required performance 7.13 Security requirement , 7.14 Reliability requiremen @ISO/IEC1998 microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Switzerland @ISO/IEC ISO/IEC TR 12182:1998(E) 7.15 Computer system and environment... .10 7.16 Computer resource requirement. .10 8 Application of the scheme 8.1 Application to scope of standards .. ..10 8.2 Application to standards .. 8.3 Application to software packages 11 8.4 Example Categorization of: Word Processing Package .. ii InternationalOrganizationfor Standardization Zhejiang Institute of Standardization 5956617 vided by IHS under

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ISO IEC TR 12182 2015 Systems and software engineering — Framework for categorization of IT systems and software, and guide for applying it 第 1 页 ISO IEC TR 12182 2015 Systems and software engineering — Framework for categorization of IT systems and software, and guide for applying it 第 2 页 ISO IEC TR 12182 2015 Systems and software engineering — Framework for categorization of IT systems and software, and guide for applying it 第 3 页
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