ISO 1154 NTERNATIONAL STANDARD Information processing -- Punched paper tape -- Dimensions and location of feed holes and code holes Traitement de I'information - Dimensions et emplacement des perforations d'entrainement et des perforations de donnees First edition -- 1975-04-01 ISO 1154-1975 (E) UDC 681.327.44 Ref. No. 1SO 1154-1975 (E) Descriptors : data processing, data storage devices, punched tapes, paper products, dimensions. Price based on 2 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale FOREWORD ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (isO Member Bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through 1so Technical Committees. Every Member Body interested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that Committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. Prior to 1972, the resuits of the work of the Technical Committees were published as Iso Recommendations; these documents are now in the process of being transformed into International Standards. As part of this process, Technical Committee ISO/TC 97 has reviewed iSO Recommendation R 1154 and found it technically suitable for transformation. International Standard ISO 1154 therefore ISO Recommendation R 1154 was approved by the Member Bodies of the foflowing countries : Germany Australia Spain Belgium Greece Sweden Brazil Italy Switzerland Canada Japan Thailand Netherlands United Kingdom Czechoslovakia Denmark New Zealand U.S.A. Egypt, Arab Rep. of Poland France Romania No Member Body expressed disapproval of the Recommendation. No Member Body disapproved the transformation of ISO/R 1154 into an International Standard. International Organization for Standardization, 1975 : Printed in Switzerland Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale ed without license from IHS ISO 1154-1975 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Information processing -- Punched paper tape -- Dimensions and location of feed holes and code holes 1.1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION 3.2Feed hole diameter Nominal : 1,17 mm (0.046 in) 1.1 This International Standard specifies the dimensions and location of feed holes and code holes in punched paper + 0,05 +0.002 Tolerance : ww tape for data interchange. - 0,025 1.2 It applies to punched paper tape with fuly punched 3.3 Code hole diameter round holes. Nominal : (0.072 in) 1,83 mm 1.3 Only paper tape with a nominal width of 25,4 mm ± 0.05 mm (1.0 in) is covered in this International Standard. Tolerance : (± 0.002 in) NOTE -- The properties of the unpunched paper tape and the 3.4 Track positioning subjectsof IsO 1729, Information processing - respective Unpunched paper tape -- -Specification,and IsO1113,Information processing - Representation of 6- and 7-bit coded character sets on If a line is drawn through the centres of the feed holes, then punched tape. the distance of the centres of the code holes from this line shall be 2 REFERENCE EDGE 2,54 n ± 0,05 mm (0.100 n ± 0.002 in) 2.1 The reference edge of the tape shall be that with three where n is an integer. data tracks between it and the feed track. If tape is guided from one edge, the reference edge shall be 3.5 Row positioning used as the guide edge. The nominal distance between two adjacent rows shall be 3 DIMENSIONS AND POSITIONS OF HOLES 2,54 mm (0.100 in) The toierance on alignment of code holes in any one 3.1 Centre line of feed hole track to reference edge transverse row, retative to the centre line of the feed hole (0.392 in) Nominal : 9,96 mm perpendicular to the reference edge in that row, shall be ±0,10 mm (± 0.004 in) Tolerance : ± 0,075 m

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ISO 1154-1975Information processing. Punched paper tape. Dimensions and location of feed holes and c 第 1 页 ISO 1154-1975Information processing. Punched paper tape. Dimensions and location of feed holes and c 第 2 页 ISO 1154-1975Information processing. Punched paper tape. Dimensions and location of feed holes and c 第 3 页
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