1730 International Standard (ISO INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATIONMEKAYHAPOAHAA OPTAHW3AUWA NIO CTAHAAPTW3AUWWORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Dictation eguipment - Basic operating requirements Machinesadicter--Conditionsfondamentalesdefonctionnement Second edition - 1980-05-01 /SO 1730-1980 (E) UDC 651.2 : 681.84 Ref.No.ISO 1730-1980 (E) Descriptors : office machines, taperecorders,dictation equipment,operating requirements. Price based on 5 pages FOREWORD iso (the internationai Organization for Standardization) is a woridwide federation of national standards institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental,inliaisonwithisO,alsotakepartinthework. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International StandardsbytheIsoCouncil. Internationa! Standard SO1730 was drawn upby Technical Committee ISO/TC95,Officemachines. This second edition was circulated to the member bodies in July 1975. It has been approved by the member bodies of the foliowing countries : Australia Japan Turkey Czechoslovakia Mexico United Kingdom France Romania USSR Iran Sweden Italy Switzerland The member bodies of the f following countriesexpressed disapprovalofthe document on technical grounds : Germany USA This second edition, updated in January 1980, cancels and replaces the first edition (i.e.1S0 1730-1973). ?IntornationatOrganizationforStandardization,1980 Printed in Switzerland INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO 1730-1980 (E) Dictation eguipment 一 Basic operating requirements OINTRODUCTION machines and associated controls designed either to record speech and to play it back or solely to reproduce speech The main purpose of dictation equipment is to help with already recorded by a dictation machine, so that a written the conversion of a spoken message into a written message. record canbeproduced. Such equipment is now produced in many different forms, and use is made of a large variety of media and operating 3.2 dictation machine: A machine designed to record methods. speech and sometimes also to reproduce it,so that a written This International Standard gives assistance to users and record can be produced. guidance to manufacturers by specifying basic operating requirements for those elements of machines which directly 3.3 office dictation machine:A dictation machine prima- affect their simple and effective operation. It does not rilydesigned foruse in an office. attempt to describe in detail all elements and uses of dictation equipment, nor does it apply to those recording 3.4 portable dictation machine:A dictation machine machines which are not normally used for the production having a self-contained power supply designed primarily for ofa typescript. easymovementfromoneplacetoanother. Symbols for dictation equipment form the subject of 1SO 4062. 3.5 transcription machine:Amachine designed solely to reproduce speech recorded by a dictation machine so that a written record can be produced. SCOPEANDFIELDOFAPPLICATION 3.6 combined dictation and transcription machine:A This International Standard applies to dictation machines, machine designed to record and to reproduce speech so transcription machines and to combined dictation and that a written record can beproduced. transcription machines. Its purpose is 3.7 centralized dictation system : A system which enables to define the role of these machines; dictation originating from a number of points to be re- - to list and describe elements intended to ensure the corded on anyone of agroup of centrally locatedmachines simple and effective operation of machines and,where so that a written record can be produced. appr

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