NTERNATIONAL STANDARD (TSO) 2145 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATIONMEKAYHAPOAHAH OPTAHW3AUMA HO CTAHAAPTW3AUWWeORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Documentation -- Numbering of divisions and subdivisions in written documents Documentation-Numerotationdesdivisions etsubdivisionsdanslesdocuments écrits Secondedition-1978-12-15 ISO 2145-1978 (E) UDC 655.535.56:002 Ref.No.1SO 2145-1978 (E) Descriptors.documentation, documents, presentation, numbering. Price based on 2 pages FOREWORD Iso (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing InternationalStandardsiscarriedoutthroughIsotechnicalcommittees.Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the Iso Council. International Standard IS02145 was developed byTechnical Committee ISo/TC46,Documentation. This second edition was submitted directly to the Iso Council, in accordance with clause 6.13.1 of the Directives for the technical work of IsO. It cancels and replaces the first edition (i.e. ISO 2145-1972), which had been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Belgium Iran Romania Chile Ireland South Africa, Rep. of Czechoslovakia Israel Sweden Denmark Italy Switzerland France Japan Thailand Germany, F.R. Netherlands Turkey Greece New Zealand UnitedKingdom India Portugal The member bodies of the following countries had expressed disapproval of the documentontechnical grounds: Austria Poland @ International Organization for Standardization,1978 Printed in Switzerland ISO 2145-1978 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Documentation -- Numbering of divisions and subdivisions in written documents 1 SCOPEANDFIELDOFAPPLICATION 2.5 A number 0 (zero) can be assigned to the first division of each level if this forms a foreword, a preface, an intro- This International Standard establishes asystemfor number- duction, or other division of similar type. ing divisions and subdivisions in written documents. It applies to all kinds of written documents, for example Example of a table of contents : manuscripts, printed works, books, journal articles, direc- 0 Introduction tions for use and standards. 1 Morphology Numbering of divisions and subdivisions in a written document is advocated if this 1.1 Cytology 1.1.1 Form and size of cells clarifies the sequence, importance and interrelation of individual divisions and subdivisions; 1.1.2 Living content of cells simplifies search and retrieval of certain passages in Parts of cells (component parts) the text, and makes possible the citation of single parts Physical properties of cells of the text; Inanimate inclusions of protoplasts facilitates references within a written work. 1.2 Histology 1.2.1 Tissue formation 2 NUMBERINGOFDIVISIONSANDSUBDIVISIONS 1,2,2 Kinds of cells 2.1 Arabic numerals shall be employed in numbering. Formative tissues 2.2 The main divisions (first level) of a written document 1.3 Organography shall be numbered continuously beginning with 1. 1.3.1 Vegetative organs 2.3 Every main division in its turn can be divided into any number of subdivisions (second level),which are also . continuously numbered. This method of division and numbering can be continued to any number of further subdivisions (third and further levels). Corm,generalities Structure of typical corm It is, however, advisable to limit the number of subdivisions so that the reference numbers remain easy to identify, to read and to cite. 2.4 A full stop is placed between the numbers designating . subdivisions of differen

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