INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 2205 ISO NORME INTERNATIONALE MEKHYHAPOIHbIИ CTAHIAPT Textile machinery and accessories-- Drafting arrangements for spinning machines- Terminology First edition—1975-06-01 Matériel pour I'industrie textile - Systeme d'étirage pour matériel de filature -- Terminologie Premiere édition -- 1975-06-01 TeKcTHJIbHoe ooopyOBaHHe BbITHKHbIe cICTeMbI IpHHJIbHbIx MaIIIIH TepMHHOJIOrHA IepB0e H3anHe -- 1975-06-01 UDC/CDU/YK : 677.051.188 : 001.4 Ref. No./Réf, no : 1SO 2205 - 1975 (E/F/R) CcbJka N: IICO 2205 - 1975 (A/Φ/P) Doscriptors:toxtile machinery, spinning frames, drafting (staple fibers), vocabulary / Descriptaurs: machino toxtile, metior a filer, etirage de fibranne Price based on 7 pages / Prix base sur 7 pages / ena Copyright International Organization for Standardization FOREWORD ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (ISO Member Bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO Technical Committees. Every Member Body inter- ested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be repre- sented on that Committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. International Standard ISO 2205 was drawn up by Technical Committee ISO/TC 72, Textile machinery and accessories, and circulated to the Member Bodies in December 1970. Portugal Australia Germany Belgium India Romania Bulgaria Italy Switzerland Denmark Netherlands Turkey Egypt, Arab Rep. of New Zealand United Kingdom France Poland U.S.S.R. No Member Body expressed disapproval of the document. AVANT-PROPOS L'ISO (Organisation Internationale de Normalisation) est une federation mondiale d'orga- nismes nationaux de normalisation (Comites Membres ISO). L'elaboration de Normes Internationales est confiee aux Comites Techniques ISO. Chaque Comite Membre intéeressé sations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I'IsO, participent également aux travaux. Les Projets de Normes Internationales adoptes par les Comites Techniques sont soumis aux Comites Membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes Inter- nationales par le Conseil de I'ISO. La Norme Internationale ISO 2205 a été établie par Ie Comite Technique ISO/TC 72, Materiel pour I'industrie textile, et soumise aux Comites Membres en decembre 1970. Elle a éte approuvee par les Comites Membres des pays suivants: Allemagne France Portugal Australie Inde Roumanie Belgique Italie Royaume-Uni Bulgarie Nouvelle-Zélande Suisse Danemark Turquie Pays-Bas Egypte, Rep. arabe d' Poiogne U.R.S.S. Aucun Comite Membre n'a desapp rouve le document. Copyright international Organization for Standardization Not for Resale BBEAEHVE ICO (MekryHapomHan OpraHmsa Io CraHaprsan) sBgercy BceMrpHoi bene- palIMei HalOHaMbHbIX OpraHOB IO cTaHIapTH3aW (KOMHTeTOB-yJeHOB ICO). Paspa- boTKa MexyHapoHbIx CraHHapTOB ocymecTBJISeTcH TexHEyecKWMI KOMITeTaM ICO. KaKbI KoMMTeT-yIeH, 3aWHTepecoBaHHbIi B eTeIbHOcTH KaKoro-J6o TexHHyeckoro KoMATera, IMeeT paBo yHacrBOBaTL B ero paboTax. IIpaBI'TeJEcTBeHHbIe X HenpaBITeJIL- yyacrme B paboTax. HpoekThI MexyHapoTHIx CraHapTOB, pHHaTBle TexHvecKHMH KoMITeraMM, HepeH HX yTBepKJeHeM CoBeTOM ICO B KayecTBe MexKyHapoHbIX CTaHHapTOB, paccbIIaIOTcI Ha OMoopeHe BceM KoMmTeTaM-yJeHaM. MexyHapoHHbIi CTaHHapr ICO 2205 pa3pa6oTaH TexHIyecKIM KoMHTeTOM ICO/TK 72, TekcmuabHoe obopyo0banue, H pa30cJaH, B Jeka6pe 1970 rona, BceM KoMETeraM-yJieHaM. On 6hII OHoopen KoMaTeraM-JenaM ceyroEx ctpan: ABCTpaJMI PyMiIHMA HTaJy CoeMHeHHOe KopoIeBCTBO BebrE Bourapus CCCP Typas TepMaH HoBan 3eaHg Hobma @pa EreT, Apa6. Pecl. HopTyra eimapa HH OHMH KOMITeT-HJIeH He OTKJIOHWJI HaCTOSIi IOKyMeHT. @
ISO 2205-1975Textile machinery and accessories. Drafting arrangements for spinning machines. Termino
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