3443/1 International Standard (ISO) INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION+MEKAYHAPOAHAR OPTAHW3AUMA NO CTAHAAPTW3ALWW+ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATIOI Tolerances for building. Part 1 : Basic principles for evaluation and specification Tolerances pour le batiment - Partie 1 : Principes fondamentaux pour I'evaluation et la spécification First edition - 1979-06-15 ISO 3443/1-1979 (E) UDC 69 : 721.01 Ref. No. ISO 3443/1-1979 (E Descriptors : buildings, construction, joints, compatibility, fits, dimensional tolerances, statistical analysis. Price based on 2 page FOREWORD ISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation .of national standards institutes (IsO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through isO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in tiaison with isO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. International Standard ISO 3443/1 was developed by Technical Committee iSo/TC 59, Building construction, and was circulated to the member bodies in October1977. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia Hungary Poland Austria Israel Romania Belgium Italy South Africa, Rep. of Canada Japan Spain Czechoslovakia Korea, Rep. of Sweden Egypt, Arab Rep. of Mexico United Kingdom Finland Netherlands USSR France New Zealand Germany, F.R. Norway No member body expressed disapproval of the document. @ Intarnational Organization for Standardization,1979 Printed in Switzerland ISO3443/1-1979 (E) INTERNATIONALSTANDARD Tolerances for building - Part 1 : Basic principles for evaluation and specification 1 SCOPEAND FIELDOFAPPLICATION Wnenbuidingcomponentsareiocatedinreiationto continuous reference system (such as a modular grid), This International Standard describes the nature of so that the structure is subjected to overall dimensional dimensional variability in building and the purposes for control, deviations of size, shape and position have to be which it has to be quantified, and defines the factors to absorbed within the jointing system. The consideration be taken into account intheevaluation,specificationand of tolerances for the manufacture of.components and for verification of tolerances for the manufacture of building the construction of buildings is therefore inseparable components and for site work. It applies to components from the design of joints to provide the required and buildings generally, including those designed in dimensional tlexibility (see ISO 2445). This does not mean accordance with the principles of moduliar co-ordination. that all joints must necessarily have this capability, but it is necessary for deviations to be accommodated at some point; this may be achieved at the joints between individual 2REFERENCE components,orbytheprovisionofspecialjointsat intervals: In addition, tolerances should be considered in ISO2445,Joints in building-Fundamental principles for relation to the structural, aesthetic, legal and direct design. functional consequences of dimensional variability in order to achieve the overall quality required. Other standards regarding toierances for buiiding construc tion are presently being prepared. Analysis of joint width variation is required for the deter- mination of work sizes for components,so that they can be designed for use with jointing techniques of known dimensional flexibility. This applies equaliy to standard 3GENERAL componentsandtopurpose-madecomponents.It may also be necessary to check the suitability of a standard The process of building construction presents specific component for use with the sa
ISO 3443-1 1979 Tolerances for building — Part 1 Basic principles for evaluation and spe
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