3792 NTERNATIONAL STANDARD Tso INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEKIyHAPOIHA OPrAHW3AUM HO CTAHIAPTH3AlIN.ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Adding machines - Layout of function keyboard Machines a additionner - Disposition des touches de fonction First edition -- 1976-06-01 ISO 3792-1976 (E) UDC 651.2 : 681.321-51 Ref. No. ISO 3792-1976 (E) Descriptors : office machines, adding machines, keyboards, keys (keyboards), layout. Price based on 2 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization ed without license from IHS Not for Resale Nor FOREWORD ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worlwide federation of nationai standards institutes (IsO Member Bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO Technical Committees. Every Member Body interested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that Committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work Draft International Standards adopted by the Technicat Committees are circulated to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IsO Council. International Standard ISO 3792 was drawn up by Technical Committee ISO/TC 95, Office machines, and was circulated to the Member Bodies in May 1975. It has been approved by the Member Bodies of the following countries : Australia Japan U.S.A. Czechoslovakia Romania U.S.S.R. France Sweden Yugoslavia Germany Turkey Italy United Kingdom No Member Body expressed disapproval of the document. @ International Organization for Standardization, 1976 Printed in Switzerland CopyrightInternational Oorganization for Standardization Not for Resale ed without license from IHS ISO 3792-1976 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Adding machines - Layout of function keyboard 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION 3.1 Numeric area (N) This International Standard specifies the keyboard layout The numeric area of the keyboard comprises a clustered numeric section for the ten digits and some optional keys for adding machines. for additional characters, in conformity with ISO 3791. 3.2 Control zones (Z1 and Z2) 2 REFERENCES The control zones comprise keys to perform all functions which are necessary in the case of adding machines. IsO 1092, Adding machines and calculating machines Numeric section of ten-key keyboards. The required basic functions are : Zone Z1 ISO/R1093,Keytop andprinted ordisplayed symbols for adding machines and calculating machines. Addition (+) Subtraction (-) IsO 3244, Office machines and data processing equipment - Total (*) Principles governing the positioning of contro! keys on keyboards. Subtotal (0) - Non-add (#) isO 3791, Office machines and data processing equipment -- Keyboard layouts for numeric applications. Repeat (R) Zone Z2 Clear (C) 3 ARRANGEMENT NOTE -- The symbols shown in parentheses opposite the function A keyboard in accordance with the present International designations are in accordance with IS0/R 1093. Standard comprises the numeric area and control zones as It should be noted that in the present International Standard the shown in figure 1. function "clear" is understood to mean clearing of entry only. Z 2 FIGURE 1 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale ense from IHS
ISO 3792-1976Adding machines. Layout of function keyboard first edition
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