TSO) 3801 NTERNATIONAL STANDARD INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEKIYHAPOIHA OPTAHW3AHS HIO CTAHIAPTW3ALIWW.ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area First edition - 1977-09-01 Corrected and reprinted -- 1983-12-15 ISO 3801-1977 (E) UDC 677.064 : 677.017.282 : 531.754 Ref. No. ISO 3801-1977 (E) Descriptors : textiles, woven fabrics, density measurement, linear density, surface density Price based on 4 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization d without license from IHS Not for Resale FOREWORD ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (isO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through IsO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with isO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the iSO Council. StandardIS0 3801wasdeveloped by Technical Committee Internationa! ISO/TC 38, Textiles, and was circulated to the member bodies in September 1976. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Germany Norway Australia Hungary Belgium Poland Bulgaria India Romania Canada Iran South Africa, Rep. of Chile Ireland Spain Czechoslovakia Italy Sweden Denmark Korea, Rep. of Switzerland Egypt, Arab Rep. of Mexico United Kingdom Finland Netherlands U.S.S.R. France Yugoslavia New Zealand Nomemberbodyexpressed disapproval ofthedocument. @ International Organization for Standardization, 1977 Printed in Switzerland ed without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO 3801-1977 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area 0 INTRODUCTION or folded down the middle, and apply to the determination of the fabric mass of complete pieces as well as of sample The mass per unit length and per unit area of a fabric lengths. may be determined in more than one way. For some fabrics, mass per unit length and mass per unit area are related simply by the width of the fabric, but for other 2 REFERENCES fabrics variations in structure (whether in the selvedges ISO 139, Textiles -- Standard atmospheres for conditioning or in the body of the fabric) may introduce an important and testing. distinction between mass per unit length and mass per unit area. It is important, therefore, to consider all the isO 3932, Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of possible methods and to choose one appropriate to the length. fabric, and particular attention is drawn to the fact that the size of specimens used in method 5 may not be suf- ISO 3933, Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of ficient when fabrics with large patterns are being tested. In width. these instances, this method would not be suitable in cases of dispute. A choice must also be made between test 3 PRINCIPLE methods suitable for samples or specimens of cloth (i.e. short lengths or cuttings) and those suitable for appli- cation to fabric in buik, i.e. in the piece (the normal unit 3.1 Methods 1 and 3 production). If a cutting has been taken as a of When the piece or the sample length can be conditioned in representative sample of a batch of pieces, it may be the standard atmosphere for testing, the length and the advisable to use the results of the tests on the sample to mass of the fabric are determined and the mass per unit correct measurements and masses of the unconditioned length calculated, or the length, width, and mass of the pieces. Circumstances may well call for the use of any fabric are determined and the mass per unit area calc
ISO 3801-1977Textiles. Woven fabrics. Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area
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