4004 International Standard (ISO INTERNATIONALORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION?MEKAYHAPOAHAR OPTAHM3AUMR NO CTAHAAPTM3AUMWORGANISATION INTERNATIONALEDE NORMALISATION Agriculturaltractorsandmachinery-Trackwidths Tracteurs et materiels agricoles-Largeurs de voie Firstedition-1983-09-15 (na1lId I LIDNANI UDC631.31/.37:629.1.071 Ref.No.ISO4004-1983(E) Descriptors:agriculturalmachinery,tractors,trackwidths Pricebasedon1page Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization)is a worldwide federation of nationalstandardsbodies(isOmemberbodies).TheworkofdevelopingInternational Standards is carriedout through ISotechnical committees.Every memberbody interested ina subjectforwhichatechnical committeehasbeenauthorizedhas the righttoberepresentedonthatcommittee.Internationalorganizations,governmental andnon-governmental,inliaisonwithisO,alsotakepartinthework. Draft International Standards adopted by thetechnical committees are circulated to thememberbodiesforapproval beforetheiracceptanceas International Standards by the So Council. International StandardISO4004wasdevelopedbyTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC23, Tractorsandmachineryforagricultureandforestry,andwascirculatedtothemember bodiesinMarch1982. d HIAIIA Australia Germany, F,R. Romania Belgium Iran South Africa, Rep. of Brazil Iraq Spain China Italy Sweden Czechoslovakia Korea,Dem.P.Rep.of Switzerland Denmark Korea, Rep.of Turkey Egypt,ArabRep.of Mexico United Kingdom Culelcy Finland NewZealand USA France Portugal USSR Thememberbodies ofthefollowing countries expresseddisapproval of thedocument ontechnical grounds: Canada India Poland This International Standard cancels pue replaces ISO Technical Report ISO/TR 4004-1975. SSEuUyUINov-LIDnAnT ? International OrganizationforStandardization,1983 . Printed in Switzerland INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO4004-1983(E) Agricultural machinery-Trackwidths Scopeandfieldofapplication same axle, with the tractor stationary and with the wheels in (na1ld position for travelling in a straight line.The track may be thus This International Standardlays down trackwidths for defined for both front and rear wheels. When there are twin agricultural tractors and machinery,as a guideline for the wheels,the track is the distance between two planes each HIAIIA manufacturersof theseproducts. being the median plane of the pairs of wheels. It applies to the principal driven axle(s) of agricultural tractors and to machinery,including self-propelled machinery,used in 3.2 track of tracklaying tractors:The distance between fields for row-crops.It doesnotapplytotractors of special themedian planes of the tracks. types,to walking-tractorstosingle-axle motor-driven machines,to two-wheeled propulsion units, or to agricultural NOTE-Themedian plane of the wheel or track assembly is equidis- machinery of special types. tantfrom thetwo planes containing the peripheries of therims orthe track plates respectively at their outer edge. 2 References 4 Trackwidths ISo789/1,Agriculturaltractors-Testprocedures- Part1: Powertests. Thepreferred track widths are thefollowing : 1500±25mm nnn 3 Definitionsoftrack 1800±25mm The following definitions are taken from ISo 789/1. 2000±25mm 3.1track (tread)of wheeled tractor:The distance at NOTE-It is not envisaged that the tracks of all machines will be ground level between the median planes of the wheels on the capable of being set to all three widths. 1
ISO 4004 1983 Agricultural tractors and machinery — Track widths
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