5123 (TSO International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEXKAYHAPOAHAA OPIAHW3ALIWH IO CTAHAAPTM3AUMM+ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Documentation -- Headers for microfiche of monographs and serials Documentation - En-tetes des microfiches des monographies et des publications en serie First edition - 1984-08-15 UDC 778.14.072 : 025.321.3 Ref. No. ISO 5123-1984 (E) SO 5123-1984 (E) Descriptors : documentation, microfiches, books, serials, layout, information Price based on 6 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale Foreword iSoO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (isO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through iso technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work. Draft tnternational Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. International Standard iSO 5123 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Documentation, and was circulated to the member bodies in February 1983. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia France Romania Austria Germany, F.R. South Africa, Rep. of Brazil Hungary Spain Canada India Sweden Czechoslovakia italy Switzerland Denmark United Kingdom Japan Egypt, Arab Rep. of Netherlands USA Finland Poland USSR No member body expressed disapproval of the document. @ International Organization for Standardization, 1984 Printed in Switzerland ed without license from IHS Not for Resale INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 5123-1984 (E) Documentation - Headers for microfiche of monographs and serials 0 Introduction ISo/R 9, International system for the transliteration of Slavic Cyrillic characters. 2) This International Standard has been drafted jointly with TC 171, Micrographics. ISO/R 30, Bibliographical strip.2) ISO233, Documentation Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters.3) 1 Scope and field of application ISO259, Documentation Transliteration ofHebrew This International Standard lays down rules for the presenta characters into Latin characters. 4) tion of the information to be provided in the header areas of microfiche produced for distribution by, or to, libraries and in- ISO690, Bibliographical references Documentation formation centres. It is applicable to original micropublications Essential and supplementary elements. 2) as well as to microfiche editions of monographs and serials and their contributions. It is applicable equally to complete works as ISO 843, Documentation - Transliteration of Greek characters well as to parts of works and to catalogues whether the into Latin characters. 2) microfiche are produced by computer output microfilming (CoOM) or other methods, for example step-and-repeat camera. Documentation - International standard book ISO2108, numbering (ISBN). For each of the above categories of publication, this Interna- tional Standard describes the information necessary for simple ISo 2707, Micrographics - Transparent A6 size microfiche of identification and retrieval. For more complete bibliographic in- uniform division -- Image arrangements No. 1 and No. 2. formation for other purposes, see 5.3 and clause 6. iso 2708, Micrographics - Transparent A6 size microfiche of This International Standard does not deal with the technical variable division -- Image arrangements A and B. characteristics of microfiche. For these, reference should be made to ISO 2707, ISO 2708 and 1sO 5126. iso 3297, Documentation - International standard serial numbering (ISSN).5) 2 References ISo 5126, Micrographics Computer output
ISO 5123-1984Documentation. Headers for microfiche of monographs and serials first edition
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