5448 International Standard ISo INTERNATIONALORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION+MEKAYHAPOAHAAOPTAHM3ALMR HO CTAHAAPTW3ALWMORGANISATION INTERNATIONALEDE NORMALISATION Ferrochromium - Specification and conditions of delivery Ferro-chrome-- Specifications et conditionsde livraison First edition -- 1981-08-01 ISO 5448-1981 (E) UDC669.15'26-198 Ref.No.1SO5448-1981(E) Descriptors :ferroalloys, ferrochromium, materials specification chemical composition, delivery, quality control, grain size. Price based on 8 pages Coovriaht Intemational Oraanization for Standardization Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (Iso member bodies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through ISo technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up.has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft InternationalStandards adoptedbythetechnical committeesare circulated to the memberbodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by theIsoCouncil. InternationalStandardISO5448wasdevelopedbyTechnical CommitteeISO/TC132, Ferroalloys, and was circulated to the member bodies in July 1980. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia Germany, F.R. Norway Austria India Poland Brazil Iran Romania Bulgaria Ireland South Africa, Rep. of Canada Italy Sweden Czechoslovakia Japan USA France Korea, Rep.of USSR The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds : UnitedKingdom InternationalOrganizationforStandardization,1981 Printed in Switzerland ISO5448-1981(E) INTERNATIONALSTANDARD Ferrochromium - Specification and conditions of delivery Scope and field of application e)Particle size ranges in accordance with the designations given in table 10. This International Standard specifies requirements and con- ditions of delivery for ferrochromium usually supplied for steel- f) Necessary requirements for analysis reports, packing, making and foundry use. etc., as appropriate. 2 References 5 Requirements Iso565,Test sieves-Wovenmetalwire clothandperforated 5.1 Constitution of consignment plate -Nominal sizes of apertures. Ferrochromium shall be delivered in consignments constituted Iso3713,Ferroalloys--Samplingandpreparation ofsamples by one of the following methods. General rules.1) 5.1.1 Tapped lot method ISo4140,Ferrochromium andferrosilicochromium-Deter- mination of chromium content --Potentiometric method. A consignment constituted by the tapped lot method consists ofaferrochromiummassofonemelt(oronepartofacon- 3 Definition tinuous tap). ferrochromium : A master alloy of iron and chromium 5.1.2 Graded lot method 3.1 with a minimum chromium content of 45,0 % by mass, and a maximum chromium content of 95,0 % by mass, obtained by A consignment constituted by the graded iot method consists reduction from the corresponding raw materials or their con- ofanumberofmelts(orpartsofcontinoustaps)ofoneferro chromium designation. centrates. The chromium content of the melts (or parts of continuous Information forordering taps) constituting the consignment shall not differ from each otherbymorethari4%absolute. Orders for ferrochromium shall include the following infor- mation. 5.1.3Blended lot method a) Quantity. A consignment constituted bytheblended lot method consists ofanumberofmelts (orpartsofcontinuoustaps)ofoneferro- b) . Constitution of consignment. chromium designation, which have been crushed to a particle size less than x mm2) and thoroughly mixed. c) Standard chromium range in accordance with table 1. The content of the main constituent of the melts (or parts of d) Chemical composition in accordance with the designa- continuous taps) constituting the consignment shall not differ tion
ISO 5448 1981 Ferrochromium — Specification and conditions of delivery
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